Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was as though she had secretly been waiting all evening for this moment , for this invitation to walk along the beach with him .
2 Herein are contained significant elements of the dominant nineteenth-century ideology of local government-depoliticisation , economy and utilitarianism — around a limited conception of municipal enterprise that bore few traces of the brand of municipal socialism forced onto the political agenda by the labour group .
3 Ludendorff has widely been given sole credit for the great German victory at Tannenberg , but before he and Hindenburg had even arrived at their new post imaginative steps had been taken by Colonel Max Hoffmann , Deputy Chief of Operations of the Eighth Army , which made that victory possible .
4 That might well have been true in the early 1960s but not in the 1990s , so let us not revive a distinction which has thankfully been eliminated All kinds of research in education have gone far beyond this narrow form .
5 But to the extent that rationality continues to prevail , we have long since been submitting all codes to ‘ Be aware ’ , without noticing that this imperative is creative of values as well as destructive .
6 He has since been granted temporary leave to stay in Britain .
7 IBM had originally agreed to help finance the project through to the end of 1992 , and has since been helping Supercomputing Systems to meet its payroll on a week-by-week basis .
8 Earth tremors caused structural damage in Angra village in 1988 but the nuclear plant 's operators , state-owned Furnas Centrais Electricas , denied that the reactor had been damaged , although it has since been closed several times for " repairs " .
9 The fishermen were so concerned for its welfare that they closed the lake for the remainder of the season , and the fish has since been spotted several times , fully recovered .
10 Thus , for all the vast growth in the range of government activities — which has meant that civil servants have effectively been making major business decisions on the allocation of resources — the Treasury made little attempt to devise fundamentally new and appropriate methods of training and re-training [ Fulton Report , 1968 ; Chapman and Greenaway , 1980 ] .
11 What has perhaps been accorded less attention has been the ways in which policy and implementation have involved a feedback from implementation as policies have been found inadequate to meet the demands of ‘ good professional practice ’ .
12 But the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the subsequent development of Soviet society produced an emphasis upon another strand in Marxist thought about the transition to socialism ( one which had not hitherto been given much prominence ) involving the idea of the ‘ dictatorship of the proletariat ’ ; and in the specific conditions prevailing in Russia , which differed entirely from those in Western Europe , this soon evolved in practice into the dictatorship of the Bolshevik party , then the dictatorship of the party 's central committee , and finally the dictatorship of a single individual .
13 Thus , in 1614 James I , believing that he was making presents more valuable than his ambassadors at foreign courts were receiving , ordered that in future the French and Spanish resident ambassadors , who had hitherto been given 4,000 ounces of plate on their departure , should in future receive only half as much and that the representatives of lesser states should also have their customary allowance cut by half .
14 What follows is a consideration of a few vital food elements outlining their importance to the health of older people , and looking at the effect that dietary deficiency might have on what have hitherto been considered normal factors in the ageing process .
15 ‘ And apart from Barbra arriving late — which she would n't have done had she only been given one hairdresser instead of three , because all three insisted on fixing her hair , and that took time — everything went smoothly . ’
16 We are not alone in having the grant cut , some of the governing bodies have only been given one year 's notice or nothing at all .
17 His wish had been granted , but he had only been given more time to experience cruel and unabated pain .
18 The form of protection requiring intermediate level , in-rack sprinklers quoted in paragraph ( 3 ) above have so far only been tested full scale , to stack heights of 15 metres .
19 They 'd only been beaten 3 times this season so you feared the worst , but it was Oxford who struck next ; another no goal , or no penalty , according to Kevin Keegan .
20 I 've only been to see one game so far this season , so it 's difficult for me to judge , but maybe some of you who 've been more often could speculate ?
21 This mass migration to the inland has only been recorded three times in the past century , and scientists are tagging thousands of birds , you attempt to get a log of the pelican 's travels and try to understand what makes them leave their normally safe havens .
22 Although the UK market has only been contributing some £15,000 a month or so to the company 's coffers , Christoforou expects to appoint half a dozen sales staff by April and says he will be looking for the outfit to turn over £2m plus in its first year .
23 And that did n't surprise Graham one bit as he bluntly admitted : ‘ I 've got tired players on my hands , and we 've only been playing five weeks .
24 The Rev. Francis Lambert had only been ordained three weeks before his death , the dedication of this window taking place on Sept. 4th 1892 .
25 The hon. Member for Stockton , North said that , when he had only been going two minutes , Richard Holt was already on his feet challenging him .
26 Caswell had n't only been doing some thinking , he 'd been looking up maps and timetables .
27 But the workers have only been paid nine pounds for the month .
28 On the other hand , concurrent developments in semantics have isolated intractable phenomena of a parallel kind : presuppositions , speech acts and other context-dependent implications , together with troublesome phenomena like honorifics and discourse particles that had long been given short shrift in the work of generative grammarians Further , thought about the nature of the lexicon , and how one might construct a predictive concept of " possible lexical item " , has revealed the importance of pragmatic constraints ( see Horn , 1972 ; McCawley , 1978 ; Gazdar , 1979a : 68ff ) .
29 Osteostracans ( cephalaspids ) have long been considered close relatives of lampreys despite a total difference in overall body shape .
30 Below are listed 16 questions based on stories that have appeared in The Insider over the past 12 months .
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