Example sentences of "[adv] the [noun pl] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thankfully the police were in bed by then ( probably with their dogs and/or horses ) .
2 he was Vietnamese presumably the comments were of a racist nature ?
3 Perhaps the comics are in this category too , not merely ‘ rubbish ’ but collections of rampantly-bad jokes and celebrations of poor taste .
4 Perhaps the islands were like humpbacked whales .
5 So the experimenters are at the stage where they might just have expected to have seen one Zo .
6 Unfortunately , only the cheerleaders were in evidence last night .
7 He caught the glint of a smile from Fael-Inis at that , and felt a sudden delight , because the fire was surging up all about them , and Fael-Inis had taken up a stance at the fore of the Chariot , and he was gathering up silken reins between his hands , only the reins were of living colour and shifting light , and there were certainly spells within them as there had certainly been spells in the Chamber of the Looms …
8 The UV content and power output of the UV tubes ( itself related to how far away the tubes are from the board )
9 The further away the pickups are from the strings the less likely you are to experience wolf notes .
10 In the War of Independence the Central Junta and the Provincial Juntas represented the civilian state ; very soon the generals were on bad terms with both and intriguing to replace them .
11 Soon the drivers are in their stride and enjoying every minute of it .
12 Normally the supplies are of high quality and need little treatment , but groundwater originates as rainfall entering the ground , and there it can dissolve substances , man-made or natural , present in the soil .
13 Millett J added that the question of whether or not the transcripts were in fact material evidence had more properly to be decided by the Crown Court .
14 Second , even where this is the case , no warranty is implied if the circumstances show that the buyer does not rely , or it is unreasonable for him to rely , on the skill or judgment of the seller in deciding whether or not the goods are in fact suitable for that purpose .
15 If the property is in the husband 's sole name and is being conveyed to trustees ( whether or not the trustees are to be himself and his wife or outside parties ) upon the terms of the court order or the terms of the agreement reached between husband and wife , there seems no good reason , as mentioned in Chapter 3 , why the husband should not convey " as beneficial owner " .
16 Moreover the towns were to be of diverse and balanced social composition :
17 Seven curtain calls , and they would have taken more if Rose , concerned at the over-time the stagehands were in danger of earning , had n't signalled Freddie Reynalde to play the audience out .
18 The rival , splinter organization which emerged as a result , the Imperial Maritime League ( IML ) , claimed that any serious Navalist had to support the Conservatives , irrespective of the fact that individual Liberal candidates were ‘ sound ’ on naval questions , on the grounds that collectively the Liberals were against and the Conservatives in favour of a big Navy .
19 Possibly the contras were in that category , but possibly not .
20 The answer depends in part on arithmetic , and on how far short the Conservatives are of the 326 seats needed .
21 Yet once the processes were under way and the machinery was set up there did come the realisation that national goals must be set , often coupled with the very welcome awareness that this process is far too important a one to be left solely in the hands of the curriculum developers themselves .
22 Other men 's wives did proper jobs once the children were off their hands .
23 It seems that in some areas schools lost interest in the DCSL visits once the books were on the shelves .
24 By 10am the organisers are at the start , where the sacks of coal are delivered by lorry .
25 Governments point to just how wrong the environmentalists were in the 1970s when they claimed that the ‘ squandering ’ of resources would impose limits on growth .
26 Covenants also appear in leases where the person letting the property includes terms in the lease which restrict the person renting the property as to the use he or she can make of the property , e.g. the premises are to be used only for storage , not for retailing goods .
27 Now the Indians are in their reservation , which you can visit like any zoo ( ‘ a special part of Texas ’ say the billboards tactfully ) .
28 Now the instructions are in the box , the white box bottom right on page forty three .
29 But now the Magpies are on the march again , nine years after Keegan guided them back into the top flight before sensationally swapping fog on the Tyne for the sunshine of Spain .
30 Now the children are at school , she 'd like to return to work part-time .
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