Example sentences of "[adv] the [noun sg] that she " in BNC.

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1 The same smell of stale tobacco hung on the air that she recalled from her only meeting with Tatyana Nowak the day before her suicide .
2 One is that the not guilty verdict was brought on the understanding that she sought medical help in a psychiatric hospital , and that poor Jane finished her days in Broadmoor .
3 And apparently the firm that she ordered the thing from in the first place had been er , re-set up .
4 I wo n't undermine your ego but it 's perhaps the chair that she wants rather than you
5 Erm , and obviously the fact that she 's sent to Lowood shows that it 's
6 She had forgotten to bring her gloves and so the hand that she thrust out to break her fall sank into the cold , muddy turf .
7 It is not so much the fact that she was consequently unable to vote for her father 's party , or , any other party for that matter , that I find so diverting as the reason that The Daily Telegraph gives for her binning her poll application material .
8 Only the fact that she was so happy at Pinehurst had persuaded them to leave her there so long .
9 I could have strangled her many times ; only the fact that she 's your sister prevented me . ’
10 And when she came to the last name only the fact that she was already frozen saved her from betraying herself .
11 Enslaved by the mindless dullness of fixed routine , Shirley has taken literally the realisation that she may as well talk to the wall .
12 She brushed away the tear that she 'd been totally unaware was slowly trickling down her face .
13 He was so handsome , probably the best-looking man she had ever seen , anyway the best-looking that she knew , fair , tanned , slim , features like an actor in a Western , like the hero .
14 I think it was just the thought that she 'd been on it you know , and a nice bit of heat and everything , relaxing .
15 It was n't just the fact that she was going to have to make her umpteenth phone call , asking the electrical repair man to call at the apartment yet again , which was so deeply depressing ; her own personal life — like that of the antiquated air-conditioning system — seemed to keep breaking down just when she was hopeful of a permanent repair .
16 if I , if I sleep some one else 's house she flips and do n't speak to me for three days , but she goes off you know , I do n't mind that at all , but its just the fact that she 's so hypercritical
17 It was beautiful , and somehow the knowledge that she loved his home made her slam that emotional door even more ruthlessly , turning blindly from her true feelings to hate him more .
18 Marie and I agreed that she would train the chicks at La Trobe , using exactly the protocol that she herself had modified from Cherkin , which is essentially how we still do it even today , as I described it back in Chapter 2 .
19 But there is still the possibility that she came from the area north-east of the City . ’
20 Lindsey fought off the realisation that she should be doing the same , a tiny spark of rebellion taking her , instead of to her cabin , to the gallery of luxurious and well-stocked shops and boutiques , carrying everything from souvenirs and jewellery , famous brands of perfume and toiletries to designer shoes and clothes .
21 She pulled off the scarf that she had been wearing round her head to protect her ears and prevent her hair getting into her eyes and mouth .
22 Charming she thought , feeling acutely humiliated , especially as it drove home the fact that she 'd made little or no impact upon this man .
23 Then she heard Christ speaking to her , saying that she would have victory over all her enemies , and that she was to give up the hair-cloth that she wore and her continual saying of the Rosary , but must stop eating meat .
24 Maybe she was just trying to cover up the fact that she minds about my being illegitimate . ’
25 ‘ Anyway , who owns this place ? ’ she went on , trying to cover up the fact that she had been thrown rather off balance by that last challenge .
26 There is also the consideration that she seems to be flirting with the possibility of committing herself to re-entering mainstream education locally .
27 There was also the fact that she had fair hair only partly hidden under her straw boater , a most peculiar hat in these parts .
28 ‘ It 's partly the fact that she is young and does n't have a completely formed personality that makes her interesting .
29 Detectives still have n't ruled out the possibility that she was abducted .
30 Whatever the actual reasons for this , in his own mind he 'd singled out the fact that she must have got married .
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