Example sentences of "[adv] [been] for [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 ‘ But we could have been 12 or 13% up had it not been for the bomb scares , ’ said John Monk .
32 Had it not been for the adroitness and presence of mind of two reporters for the Empire News and Daily News respectively , Alfred Wells , butcher 's assistant , would probably never have taken the stand at Reading 's most famous coroner 's inquest .
33 Even so , the number of those who believed that Hitler would have been one of the greatest German statesmen of all time had it not been for the war remained relatively high , though this figure too had fallen sharply ( from 48 per cent in 1955 to 32 per cent by 1967 ) .
34 The Elsevier share price would have risen further had it not been for the announcement of the merger with Reed .
35 Emma Lyon , who made her way up the social scale by similar means , would have found herself in prison earlier had it not been for the lifeline thrown to her by her friends and former lovers .
36 Families expressed resentment if they came to think that they were being considered as a ‘ problem ’ family , and were quick to point out that had it not been for the arrival of the new child , they would not have needed the services of the family therapist .
37 It would not have been terrible — only like Frank — if it had not been for the pain of stones , metal , pressed into soft skin .
38 Yet even though he got the chance to fight Mr Bush , he would not now be heading for the White House if it had not been for the disaster which hit the President a few days after that TV interview .
39 In 1959 Rank claimed that ‘ Britain would now have a healthy industry and a very successful market ’ if it had not been for the insensitivity of the Department of Trade .
40 To discover how cost-effective it was to sustain at home people who were judged likely to have been in an institution had it not been for the project 's services .
41 Although the piece was a well balanced probe into the Phoenix career ( and an immensely interesting career it is too ) , one was left with the feeling that she would n't have been there had it not been for the status of her interviewer .
42 I would have sighed for human nature , had it not been for the excellence of my trout and the wine which accompanied it .
43 This sort of nonsense could have been fairly innocuous had it not been for the fact that under Napoleon I , the frequent employment of courtiers in great and influential offices of state had led to a gradual isolation of the Emperor , which in turn gave too much power to those close to the throne , many of whom , it should be noted , actively worked against him in the last years of the reign .
44 The electoral unpopularity of Tariff Reform might not have been decisive in defeating Chamberlain 's programme had it not been for the fact that the most powerful sections of Britain 's business élite — and in particular the bankers of the City of London — agreed with the voters .
45 There is another aspect to the ancient-astronaut hypothesis : perhaps our remote ancestors could not have survived had it not been for the fact that they were destined to do so .
46 The scheme 's " warehousing " operation might not have come to light had it not been for the fact that the global equity market crash of the following month [ see pp. 35740-42 ] had made the irregular holdings virtually unsaleable .
47 In one case , it was said that ‘ it was the 15-year-old girl who was the dominant partner in the relationship ’ with a 28-year-old woman separated from her husband , while in the other case ‘ a pretty 15-year-old schoolgirl skipped lessons to have a lesbian love affair ’ ; however the defence counsel said that her mother had told police she thought there was nothing wrong with a lesbian relationship and ‘ if it had not been for the age of the young lady , none of us would be here today ’ .
48 ‘ I believe our vote would have been very substantially higher had it not been for the fear , the concern , that people had for the prospect of a Labour government , ’ Mr Ashdown said , adding that the election showed Labour could not fight the Conservatives , even in the depths of a recession .
49 ‘ I believe our vote would have been very substantially higher had it not been for the fear , the concern , that people had for the prospect of a Labour government , ’ Mr Ashdown said , adding that the election showed Labour could not fight the Conservatives , even in the depths of a recession .
50 If the Witch King had started this long war , Tethlis was determined to finish it , and he might have succeeded had it not been for the decline in power of the dragons .
51 I do not think she benefited at all financially — if she did it was a very small amount — and would n't have been able to keep any of the furniture had it not been for the kindness of Aunt Mary .
52 Following my economically truthful pronouncements on the local meteorological trends ( I had already been for a pee ) , he reluctantly committed himself to an extended struggle with frozen boots and gaiters , muttering foul oaths about his much vaunted , but now soaked , pair of newly customised salopettes .
53 Mark and I have just been for a walk beyond Dalseattie , which was nice until the mist came down and began to make us rather damp .
54 Across the history of policing their need has always been for the light of research to illuminate the activities of the underprivileged and the powerless , rather than focus upon the élite themselves !
55 Have you ever been for a tour around a busy airport ?
56 She said she had n't been for a while and erm then she said they did n't really know , they wondered how she was gon na get on in the water .
57 The Flying Scot would probably have made the move before now — if it had n't been for a pact Laughton made when he left Widnes sixteen months ago .
58 I was just gon na say , some sometimes , I have n't been for a bit mind you , oh , well the last time I went , sometimes I go to Wales to Blaenau Ffestiniog or to congregation
59 That 'll be nice cos we have n't been for a bit have we ?
60 Fortune having smiled on them , and I mean if it had n't been for a lump of expanded foam out of one of the life boats that had blown up at , if it had n't come floating past me , I mean I would have been a goner as well , but I got hold of that .
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