Example sentences of "[adv] [been] [vb pp] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The concept of field dependence was first discussed by Witkin ( 1950 ) and has since been discovered to be a relatively stable trait of the individual .
2 Tiny Andrew Morrison , who was born nine weeks early at the Countess of Chester Hospital , is among 481 children treated by a junior doctor who has since been found to be suffering from TB .
3 Candidates have hitherto been required to be UNIP members and endorsed by the party 's central committee .
4 An unemployment rate well in excess of what had hitherto been considered to be a stable NAIRU was failing to produce sustained reductions in the rate of inflation beyond the initial impact effect of the fall in aggregate demand .
5 Previously it had only been expected to be able to offer a 16-way system in its first go-round .
6 So that was what I was doing in Baldersdale — looking for survivors in what has long been known to be a botanically rich area .
7 In fact , Dunrossness has long been considered to be the most fertile and agriculturally productive area in the whole of Shetland .
8 In Britain , for example , Merseyside , Sheffield and Glasgow have long been considered to be ‘ red islands ’ within British society : the labour movement having forced out of the state substantial levels of collective housing and welfare provision .
9 Heparan sulphate proteoglycan , laminin , and collagen have all been shown to be linked across cell membranes to cytoskeletal elements , and cytoskeletal proteins have been demonstrated to be condensed at cell-cell and cell-matrix interfaces .
10 Further , the expression of a α4β1 binding site in the cellular form and its deletion in plasma fibronectin and the involvement of fibronectin in blood clotting as well as secretion and synthesis of fibronectin have all been reported to be differentially affected by alternative splicing ( 27,41 ) .
11 But I had not been raised to be merely decorative .
12 The United Kingdom , in particular , had an interest in protesting the closure of New Zealand 's ports to ships which had not been confirmed to be neither nuclear armed nor propelled .
13 However , this has not been seen to be a very effective set of policies .
14 The boldness of this interpretation lies in allowing the validity of the trust even though it had not been addressed to the daughter and had not been intended to be paid by her .
15 It had , however , not been intended to be just an economic body .
16 This had not been intended to be legalistic , but in practice the claimant had been put in the position of an ordinary plaintiff in a civil case arguing a case against a powerful insurance company or mutual insurance society ( Potter and Stansfield , 1950 ) .
17 Where the degree course and the HNC/HND course have not been designed to be integral with each other , students seeking entry to the degree course on the basis of the HNC/HND will normally need to take two further academic years of full-time study for a Degree and three further academic years of full-time study for an Honours Degree ( or the part-time equivalents ) .
18 The limits of critical periods have not been found to be as immutable as was formerly thought , for by manipulating the animals ' experience they can be extended considerably .
19 This means that many mergers for which there have been no demonstrable advantages , but which have not been found to be overtly anti-competitive , have been allowed through , and thus contributed to the general increase in industrial concentration .
20 Sheriff Brian Lockhart , who is presiding over the fatal accident inquiry , asked whether the Newton plans , referred to throughout five weeks of the inquiry so far as ‘ single lead ’ had not been considered to be so at the time .
21 If the test has not been shown to be reliable in empirical studies , then there is no guarantee that any information obtained by using the test will provide an accurate reflection of any child 's ability .
22 However , some fluids such as saliva , sweat , tears and urine have not been shown to be infectious .
23 As the plaintiff had not been shown to be guilty of contributory negligence , he was entitled to recover damages , on the grounds of negligence .
24 Formation of clusters with unprimed T cells has thus been shown to be a functional feature of dendritic cells ; this may explain the striking appearance of S-100 protein + cells in Peyer 's patches , which are considered important sites for induction of primary immune responses .
25 Since 1948 , for example , the elderly have no longer been deemed to be the financial responsibility of their adult children or grandchildren .
26 The principal problem about them has generally been said to be that of their meaning or semantics .
27 They have generally been assumed to be massless , particularly as measurements of the electron-neutrino mass showed it to be less than a few ten thousandths that of the electron .
28 In February the Interior Minister , Col. Djibril Ould Abdullah , who had generally been considered to be second in the political hierarchy and had been involved in 1986 in the vigorous suppression of unrest among black Mauritanians , was dismissed and replaced by Col. Mohammed Sidina Ould Sidya , a southerner [ see p. 37239 ] .
29 In Western civilization this has generally been considered to be Christianity , as this is the religion which has most powerfully moulded the values and beliefs on which society is based , just as in a Muslim country for example the religion to be handed on would be Islam .
30 For day to day purposes a knowledge of the following has generally been found to be useful to practising managers :
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