Example sentences of "[adv] [been] [vb pp] with [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Space was at such a premium here that the narrow side streets had long since been filled with structures .
2 Since the other Nematodirus species do not have such critical hatching requirements , a sudden flush of L3 does not occur and although N. filicollis , N. spathiger and N. helvetianus have all been associated with outbreaks of nematodiriasis in sheep and cattle , it is more common to find them in conjunction with the other trichostrongyles .
3 Today had been the first time since he died she had not been tortured with thoughts of her Anthony .
4 Similarly , interviews with pupils are included but were not carried out on a systematic basis and the results have not been correlated with pupils ' GT4 scores .
5 And although the competition only got underway at the NEC event , organisers Reed Automotive have already been flooded with calls from owners .
6 He said the access would create no problems as an exit to the new link road had already been negotiated with builders .
7 A number of contracts have already been negotiated with retailers but the group will operate in a three-way partnership with both processors and retailers .
8 ‘ I have n't exactly been overwhelmed with proposals , ’ she retorted , ‘ not of marriage , anyway .
9 Although elite theorists have agreed upon the importance of empirically tested research , and their ability to carry it out in a value-free way , in fact this stream of analysis has always been associated with authors who take strong value positions .
10 Furthermore , 74 patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome were identified in these studies ; none of them had ever been treated with gangliosides .
11 There was another story about a blind mother , whose son did not return after the battle ; she wept when he did not return , and asked the survivors if they had seen a young and lovely boy lying slain , dressed in delicately embroidered garments of fine silk , and the survivors said No , they had seen no boy , but they had seen a great bearded man dead , and he had worn tied about his waist strange garments , torn and faded and old , which had once been embroidered with flowers .
12 Similar studies have also been conducted with children attending pre-school play-groups and nursery schools , where the caretakers have been either voluntary helpers or professionally trained nurses and teachers ( Wells 1981 ; Wood et al .
13 Links have also been established with schools in Bradford and Dewsbury .
14 Lords Forte , Taylor ( of the construction giant Taylor Woodrow ) , Weinstock , King , Edwin McAlpine , Matthews , Vinson and Sieff had also coincidentally been associated with companies which had given money to the Conservative cause .
15 Dinosaurs , traditionally thought to have a small brain , have similarly been analogized with reptiles .
16 My dad 's like me , he 's never been really been over-impressed with kids , but he 's good .
17 This question has often been answered with artists ' impressions , but never with direct measurements .
18 Part of the misconception arose because the bones of early humans have often been found with bones of other animals , and it was simplistically assumed that this showed that they had killed and eaten other animals , and had later died amid the remains of previous meals .
19 No , not at all , I 'm not nervous , no I 've never been bothered with things that go bang in the night .
20 Opposition groups and the West German government accused the SED-PDS of exploiting fears of a neo-Nazi revival ( the Soviet war memorial in Treptow , East Berlin , had recently been daubed with slogans demanding that Soviet forces return home ) in order to re-establish the party 's position through a reformed intelligence service .
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