Example sentences of "[adv] [been] [verb] with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Space was at such a premium here that the narrow side streets had long since been filled with structures .
2 A Cheltenham man has since been charged with murder and wounding a second student .
3 Boscastle itself has long been associated with smuggling and witchcraft , and today has a witchcraft museum .
4 A banquet-hall deserted — Broadstone Station would henceforth be only that to thousands for whom it had for long been associated with happiness — the happiness of the day 's work , the happiness of companionship , the happiness of simply being alive on a fine day .
5 Success in biomedical careers has long been associated with authorship of publications in peer reviewed journals , and this association may partly explain the exponential increase in the number of articles published over the past two decades .
6 Actuaries have long been associated with life assurance business and pensions .
7 Residential care has long been associated with care of deprived and delinquent children .
8 Travel has also long been associated with health .
9 The blocks which we have discussed up to this point have all been coupled with withdrawal actions .
10 Low socio-economic status , poor quality of parenting , adverse environmental conditions have all been associated with otitis media and developmental delay ( Webster et al .
11 Since the other Nematodirus species do not have such critical hatching requirements , a sudden flush of L3 does not occur and although N. filicollis , N. spathiger and N. helvetianus have all been associated with outbreaks of nematodiriasis in sheep and cattle , it is more common to find them in conjunction with the other trichostrongyles .
12 For example , the information booklets prepared for parents had obviously been written with care and many of the right sentiments were expressed .
13 At a White House meeting on 10 November Reagan argued that he had not been dealing with terrorists in Iran but only moderates .
14 … the court … must act on the valuation unless there be proof of some mistake or improper motive … as if the valuer has valued something not included or had valued it on a wholly erroneous basis … from Lord Eldon 's judgment in Emery v Wase ( 1803 ) 8 Ves Jun 506 , where the difference between valuations of £4,000 and £6,000 was said to warrant judicial suspicion that the valuation had not been made with attention to accuracy : but the case was decided on the basis of the court 's duty to protect the property of married women .
15 The mandatory field listed has not been filled with information .
16 Until this moment , that theft had not been connected with Alice .
17 If the cake has not been covered with marzipan , make sure that you invert the cake so that the smooth underside becomes the flat top surface of the finished cake .
18 The issue of interpretation arises again , because many systems considered have not been examined with fibre optics , through they have this potential .
19 At that time smoking had not been linked with heart disease or even with bronchitis — it was seen as a harmless if foolish habit .
20 She had no notion of what her words meant , but they sounded good , they fortified her , and she continued bravely , ‘ But as for Gabriel , whose name has not been linked with Gabriel 's ?
21 Remember the riot that broke out at Leeds towards the end of the 1970-71 season when Ray Tinkler allowed a West Bromwich goal to stand , ruling that Colin Suggett , standing offside when the attack crossed the halfway line , had not been interfering with play .
22 Today had been the first time since he died she had not been tortured with thoughts of her Anthony .
23 They have not been co-ordinated with HMI .
24 Similarly , interviews with pupils are included but were not carried out on a systematic basis and the results have not been correlated with pupils ' GT4 scores .
25 The business meeting disclosed that the BDDA had survived the first year successfully , but that its formation had not been greeted with enthusiasm by the deaf and dumb of the United Kingdom .
26 As the civil servants are not party members , they have not been issued with security passes .
27 Angry too that she had not been trusted with knowledge which concerned her so much .
28 In cases where it is preferable to use new paper , such as coffee filters and sanitary products look for paper which has not been bleached with chlorine gas .
29 The size of the epidemic in five or ten years time has not been estimated with confidence ; the epidemic will be determined by the number of people with HIV infection who develop AIDS over time .
30 Under Edward I and Edward II , and in the early years of Edward III , grants of money had generally been made with reluctance , and had been accompanied by many complaints about the conduct of royal financial officials .
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