Example sentences of "[adv] [Wh adv] it is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Since the legislation assumes the existence of the common law background we must first endeavour to ascertain the general principles governing this area of tort and then see shortly how it is affected when there is a trade dispute .
2 So central government gets drawn in willy-nilly ; and once it is handing out money , it will want to have some say over how it is spent .
3 ‘ How often do you seriously think about why you are going to the track , what workout you are going to do and exactly how it is going to help you achieve peak performance on the track just when it counts ?
4 In a future issue we hope to explain exactly how it is produced .
5 Whether or not a notional syllabus will help to promote a communicative competence will depend on just how it is used , how grammatical and situational factors are taken into account in the manner of its implementation .
6 One further point is worth remembering ; the root definition is concerned with what is being achieved , not how it is done , and any inclusion of a ‘ how ’ statement should be shown as a constraint , eg improving productivity by the use of incentive bonus schemes .
7 But the cad transfer file is concerned with the object itself , not how it is portrayed .
8 It is concerned with the data that exists , not how it is used .
9 Where the criticism is uttered on an unprivileged occasion by the Prime Minister , the risk would be worth taking , but not when it is uttered by the likes of General Amin .
10 ( Note that what matters is when a gene affects survival and fertility , not when it is expressed ; for example , a gene which is expressed early in the development of the heart might increase the chance of heart disease much later in life . )
11 For example , Wittgenstein ( 1953 : 132 ) warns that ‘ the confusions that occupy us arise when language is like an engine idling , not when it is doing work ’ .
12 In other words , revenue should be shown for the period in which it is earned and not when it is paid .
13 All the members here will know that I have recently erm sent out a circular letter expressing my concern as to where the system does n't seem to be working properly and asking for your help and cooperation in giving me information on just exactly where it is falling down .
14 Write not only what is said , but also how it is said .
15 However , semantic theories must consider not only how knowledge is represented but also how it is used , so these two approaches are treated separately .
16 look also how it is dropped hips and bottom that are controlling the force of the sail .
17 This is probably the case since children do things the way that feels natural to them without worrying unduly how it is meant to be done .
18 In that time we have found out how it is produced , how it is metabolized and , now that its receptor has been cloned , we are beginning to understand how it acts to release calcium .
19 If you really want to understand a waiting list you need to get in there are find out how it is organised and managed .
20 To put the case simply , such a pupil may not be able to undertake a task such as cutting out a paper figure , not because of not understanding how to do so , but because of being unable to see properly how it is done .
21 Pizazz Plus is a TSR ( Terminate and Stay Resident ) program , so once it is loaded it will be there whenever it is needed .
22 This section gives an overview of LIFESPAN , describing briefly how it is implemented and installed .
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