Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [prep] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Despite its boulevards in the north , the city was never as monotonous as the centre of Paris after Baron Haussmann had really got down to work on it in the 1860s .
2 That conflict of views has its fierce advocates on both sides , and I am neither well informed nor dispassionate enough to comment on it From the presumed perspective of John Howard , the Ellis-Beto administrations overall emerge with credit , because they did insist on the publication of official rules , and that was a big breakthrough .
3 I think his pleasure was merely to talk about it in that calm way to a completely ignorant young girl .
4 I do not have the room to articulate this opposition here , but only to point to it via the already observed generalising tendency in de Man 's thought .
5 I do not wish to oppose the previous order , although it is debatable — merely to refer to it in passing , to say that I hope that , when the Select Committee on Health takes evidence on the national health service trusts , no witnesses will be intimidated by threats of disciplinary action intended to prevent them from giving evidence .
6 Better to think of it as a big , V8-powered luxury automatic saloon of unique character and style that , at £91,500 , costs about what a Mercedes dealer will take off you for a V12 Mercedes S-class with a few extra bits .
7 Instead the United States was soon to swing against it with General Hodge undermining it , and most opinion in south Korea was hostile to it .
8 At rehearsals , Les Cox agreed it would be wiser not to practise falling down the stairs as it was a skill which took months to acquire — better just to go for it on the night .
9 Just to just to guess at it without sort of working it out .
10 because you know the kind of material we 're recording bad language is n't gon na get an appropriate representation , and he 's not to worry about it on that
11 ‘ I wo n't promise to do that , ’ Matilda said , ‘ but I will promise not to talk about it to anyone any more , not even to you . ’
12 So you 're not to talk about it to anyone .
13 It is not a simple case that we can run along , sell a few houses , get the capital receipts and suddenly we can go off and have a wonderful programme and replace the assets which we have sold and when we 're talking about assets in this case I think there 's one crucial difference between us and you and that is we recognise that that is n't just an asset it is a person 's home a person 's home , that 's so important an a I 'm , just to talk about it as if it is is something else , y'know , just some petrified lump of cattle , petrified lump of stock money that was doing no good whatsoever , is a nonsense and I think most of us would agree that it is a complete and utter nonsense .
14 She was determined not to look on it as the ending of a chapter but the making of a new beginning .
15 She makes no acknowledgement of their affair in public and he understands that he is not to refer to it with these new acquaintances .
16 Although I know it 's a problem in the eyes of the public and the Health Service , I try not to think of it as a problem personally , y'know what I mean .
17 Every now and then Nora took such opportunities to remind Sarah of her fortune ; she tried not to think of it as a kind of hudsoning .
18 He decided not to pander to it by asking for the admirers name .
19 This last the verderers thought the least likely course because the escape had been made nearer to the north of the depression than the south and it would therefore take a day longer to get round it on that side .
20 Despite the MIDI nature of the JMP-1 , it 's useful still to think of it as a basic preamp .
21 She 's too stuck up to look for it in the back of a cab just yet , but it 'll come to it one day when she gets a few more years on her , even the milkman wo n't be safe and she 'll be grateful .
22 There , from January 1801 onwards , correspondence covering the years since 1780 was systematically assembled from the State Paper Office and elsewhere and taken to the foreign office — an obvious response to the need frequently to refer to it in the conduct of daily business and the resulting inconvenience if it were stored anywhere else .
23 The beginner will do well to ponder on it from the start .
24 Yet he realized it was the best he was likely to get from Nora and that , on balance , he would do well to think of it as ‘ Nora 's apology , ’ accept it as such , and hope that these aberrations in her behaviour would die away .
25 In J. Milroy and L. Milroy ( 1977 ) , we justified this method , somewhat retrospectively , in terms of the social network model ( the fieldworker can be described as a second-order network contact ) , and it is useful methodologically to think of it in this way ( indeed , many other investigators have successfully used the idea of social network as an explicit part of their fieldwork strategy ) .
26 You will learn what stress really is ; the sources of stress ; how to cope with it in your individual daily life , modifying and adapting your behaviour to handle stress ; long-term solutions ; plus how to relax and keep happy and healthy .
27 You might find that the most difficult thing about safer sex is knowing how to negotiate for it with your partner .
28 Amongst the many excellent and well researched books that have been written on the subject of bereavement the following are outstanding in their capacity to help those who have suffered a major loss : Grief and how to live with it by Sarah Morris ( published in 1971 by George Allen and Unwin ) ; A grief observed by C. S. Lewis ( published in 1961 by Faber and Faber ) — of particular interest to widowers — and Bereavement .
29 Indeed , Alain Sroufe at the Institute of Child Development at the University of Minnesota , urges that we stop trying to find the response in the child 's physiology , and learn instead to think of it as an ‘ organisational construct ’ , an economic way in which the experimenter can characterise the pattern of behavioural linkages between the child and its environment .
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