Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [conj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sergeant Curtis came in to report that a woman living near Riddle had seen him in Bay View Terrace on Friday evening , but this merely confirmed the route he had taken .
2 It is easy enough to accept that a child 's first word should label its mother , until we start to think about it : why should a child connect sounds with objects at all ?
3 It is essential but not enough to postulate that an object-topic , if it is to qualify as existing in the modus per se , i.e. in its own right and not just as an object of thought , must be a subject , at any given time , of a non-arbitrary set of predicates .
4 He stops short of hoping Grobbelaar makes one of his increasingly frequent mistakes tomorrow , but Knight is professional enough to know that a team has to take advantage of any breaks that come their way .
5 There are many tales of naturalists who have gone to some place in search of a rare species , only to find that a member of that very species floats down out of the trees on gentle wings to besport itself before his amazed eyes , or appear in whatever appropriate manner to his appreciative gaze .
6 But this is to anticipate the argument ; for the moment I want only to observe that a conception of the self as socially and/or metaphysically constituted produces one idea of transgression , and that of the self as ideally ( if not actually ) unified and autonomous , quite another .
7 So please take on board that it is not good enough to answer that a notice was put up to tell people that they could claim , when many people are blind or disabled or do not have the wherewithal to understand .
8 Indeed Jacob values settlements sufficiently to suggest that a power , or perhaps even a duty , should be imposed on the court to promote a settlement or compromise between the parties .
9 SOCCER ace Pat Nevin pitched in to help when a mugger tried to steal a fan 's camera .
10 Furthermore to insist that a procedure must include a significant element of external control could hinder the implementation of remedies : a criticism which is often regarded as the most important .
11 This is particularly so in the ‘ plea for removal ’ type of crisis , when friends and neighbours get together to insist that a person is a danger to him/herself , or the community .
12 The Government 's arguments do not , however , deal with the question that runs as follows : if the Parliament in Scotland decided to raise taxation , would it not be entitled so to do if a majority in favour of that existed ?
13 The team that hit on the idea became cocky enough to predict that a computer would beat the world chess champion by 1967 ; but the concept has a logical flaw .
14 Here it is necessary merely to stress that an applicant has the right of appeal to the secretary of state against conditional permissions and refusals .
15 Any man who 's fool enough to believe that a model 's doing anything but her job on the catwalk — ’ His laughter stopped her in mid-sentence .
16 This is a delightful bedside dipper of a book and where better to end than an epilogue — Mae West 's curtain speech to her play Catherine Was Great .
17 He had a good roof over his head , clean sheets , enough to eat and a bottle of stout in his hand .
18 Derek Johns of Sheffield writes in to say that a company that has a rare new species named after it could find its share price sensitive to any environmental news .
19 Of course , it is not enough to show that a gradient of some kind exists : for example , that a frog 's egg is darker at one end than at the other .
20 It is not enough to show that a screening test detects disease early , or even that it will probably save some lives .
21 Section 57(2) goes on to state that a sale by auction is complete when the auctioneer announces its completion by the fall of the hammer , or in some other customary manner .
22 The force of this argument was recognised to some extent by the OFT , who went on to state that a limit on each claim was preferable to an overall limit , providing the extent of the former was made clear to clients .
23 It is Philistine not to see that a fact and a theory , simple components of tenuous knowledge , are a way not necessarily of controlling nature , but of coming to terms with it , of playing homage ; science is less arrogant in many ways than the arts of landscape or of poetising , mainly because it is content to describe the world as it is .
24 For this reason very few unassisted clients will be in a position to commission a report just to see if a case can be made out .
25 As with any accountability procedure it is insufficient just to indicate that a failure has occurred ; information must be forthcoming on how to improve educational practice .
26 This is not to suggest that an attempt at measurement is not worthwhile , just that it may not be as simple as some raw figures suggest .
27 By resigning Bornhausen broke a pact which all ministers had signed on Aug. 25 , according to which they undertook not to resign until an impeachment vote was held .
28 But it would be fatuous not to conclude that a flow of petro-dollars could help Baku fight the war .
29 A decision not to prescribe or an underestimate of need , with justified caution , may aggravate or precipitate a distressing withdrawal state , which a doctor has a responsibility to prevent or relieve and may make the prisoner unfit to be interviewed .
30 Kurt Nicoll ignored medical advice not to ride after a practice crash on the factory KTM had left him with a rib injury .
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