Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [noun] [vb -s] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It abandoned incomes policy in the private sector , seeking only to keep pay increases to public employees tightly under control .
2 DOUBTS remained last night over whether the Government had honoured its promise not to impose cash limits on drugs expenditure in the bill to bring in National Health Service changes published yesterday .
3 It pays not to overfeed adult ferrets at times when they are not working or they become fat and lazy .
4 The court quashed decisions not to give furniture grants in two cases .
5 Finds are commoner from Mesolithic sites on either side of the North Sea , including Star Carr , Yorkshire , and the Danish sites of Svaerdborg , Lundby and Verup , not to mention stray finds including figures of a bear , an elk head and neck and numerous beads and amulets ( Plate A ) .
6 EUROPEAN Commissioner Sir Leon Brittan lent his weight to the Tory campaign yesterday to boost party hopes in their most marginal seat .
7 In York , European Commissioner Sir Leon Brittan lent his weight to the Tory campaign yesterday to boost party hopes in their most marginal seat .
8 While this sum is just above the average sum of additional income earned by single parents under the previous system , the new rules , again in the name of simplification , have abolished the claimants right to offset child-minding costs against their earnings .
9 Moreover , commercial monitoring of the environment is now also routine , notably to predict crop yields in the main grain-growing areas and hence facilitate the buying of futures .
10 Thus all M-H stretching frequencies decrease by several hundreds of cm -1 , and this can be used to confirm the group-frequency assignment of such modes , and also to remove M-H bands from regions where they may hide other bands .
11 Non-axiality of load and bending or twisting of the sample before stretching both have similar effects , namely to introduce couple stresses into the specimen which is not then being deformed under pure tensile stresses , but under a mixture of stresses and couples .
12 They call you out to snowswept motorway verges at four in the morning , talk to you through a quarter-inch crack in the window and drive off when you 've finished , without a word .
13 The first plane will leave R-A-F Lyneham tomorrow to fly emergency supplies into Yugoslavia .
14 The impact of the recession in Britain has compelled employers drastically to reduce labour costs at the same time as it has effectively shifted the balance of market strength in their favour .
15 Dr Einon started by asking James to repeat telephone numbers , then to remember a sequence of words , then to repeat word lists after counting backwards from ten to one as a distraction ( see graph ) .
16 The government 's choice of how to raise finance depends on its monetary policy ( which we will consider in the Chapter 17 ) .
17 Soviet spokesmen began instead to identify peacetime benefits from neutralisation , to link this regime more explicitly to that of demilitarisation and the Soviet doctrine of peaceful coexistence , and correspondingly to advocate the creation of broad ‘ peace zones ’ .
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