Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then it was on to see another side of Craigmillar — a refurbished district council flat occupied by Sheila and Gerald Robinson .
2 It is not proposed to include such software in the current program , but rather to treat this instrument as an intelligent data gatherer and use mainframe facilities to assess the results .
3 Much actual sociology of culture presumes , in a way inevitably , the typical or dominant relations of the period with which it is concerned ; it goes on to adduce detailed evidence of these .
4 His home in Majorca had been built not only for his own retirement but as somewhere to provide temporary refuge for disadvantaged children .
5 Norm referenced measures of learning , always a dominant , presently an overbearing , influence on the education scene , do little to encourage this approach to human development in both student and teacher populations .
6 In the early days of " Darwinism " , when the race was on to find tangible evidence of the " missing link " between apes and men , it was again from Indonesia that , from a few molars and shreds of skull , Java Man and Gigantopithecus would briefly rise to claim the title .
7 The process is used commercially to obtain drinkable water from sea water .
8 As the name suggests , these Guidelines are not intended to be binding or prescriptive , but rather to provide impartial guidance for the perplexed .
9 ‘ And I hope we 're both mature enough to treat each other with civility and respect for the few remaining days we 're forced to spend together . ’
10 You should do this only to compare one beer with another or one wine with another .
11 It also must be remembered er that the transport links to Easingwold would not be good enough to support that level of development , it does not have a rail station and it does it , and the A nineteen is only a single carriageway road , and would need ld need isagree with Mr Jewitt upon re 1
12 Viscount Palmerston had taken over as Prime Minister by then only to lose that position to Lord Derby again but only for a year , as the Liberals were able to take control of Parliament in 1859 , with Viscount Palmerston remaining as Prime Minister until 1865 , during which period many changes took place .
13 He is optimistic enough to see some point in directing , harnessing or tempering the largely commercial forces behind the 100-mile city , but not in ignoring them .
14 The train was large enough to carry one boy on the engine , with one in each truck .
15 At first it was difficult enough to claim single-sex space for girls ( and maintaining it still is n't easy ) , and to challenge the male resistance and violence that often ensued .
16 She ate as directed by Taggy , and made no fuss when that dame looked after her much as she had herself done for her deceased employer — nursing her and acting as lady 's maid , and combing out her troublesome copper hair , until Theda felt strong enough to perform this office for herself .
17 ‘ The Prime Minister has shown herself completely unfit not only to attend any conference on human rights anywhere , but even to utter the very words . ’
18 And in cases which merit protection , if that is still not enough to induce voluntary investment of funds offered by the national investment bank there is again a prima facie case for nationalisation .
19 Heath 's revived corporatism in the early 1970s crumpled with the miners ' strikes and the OPEC price explosion , while the Labour government of the late 1970s was able only to breathe intermittent life into a system of corporate direction which powerful producer-groups and multinational companies in the so-called ‘ meso-economy ’ were both undermining .
20 I suggest that doctors should end the battle of faith and stand together to assure continued supply of animal insulin for those who need or want it .
21 But surely even having second thoughts about marriage was n't enough to prompt that kind of reaction , particularly as Isabelle must have known she was expecting Fabien 's child .
22 went down to like this kind of stuff here .
23 As the whole House has shown this afternoon , recent events in Belfast have considerably underlined the need for the political leaders within the Province to come together to find some solution to the problems that is acceptable throughout both communities and within the island of Ireland ?
24 Critics of the government alleged , however , that the measure aimed merely to contain political opposition in the event of the current round of Middle East peace talks leading to a compromise unacceptable to Palestinian and Jordanian nationalists .
25 Dall has produced writing to the staggering scale of 250 bibles to the square inch , small enough to write one bible on a pinhead , but the individual letters on that scale are so minute , no higher than a micrometre ( one or two wavelengths of visible light ) , that they are at the limit of resolution of optical microscopes .
26 To change the amount of data passed between sub-programs it is necessary only to modify some code in the sub-program bodies , not the sub-program specifications , and to modify the declaration of the record itself .
27 In recent years it has become the practice in leases granted for more than five years or so to contain some machinery for enabling the rent to be reviewed , either continuously or at periodic intervals .
28 During the last winter of the war she became pregnant again , but only to suffer another miscarriage in the New Year .
29 For years top cops have known that gangs of crooks were working together to provide each other with specialist help , arms and equipment .
30 Some vineyards may not be mentioned because they have only recently been cultivated and , therefore , have not been in production long enough to establish any sort of reputation .
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