Example sentences of "[adv] [pos pn] [noun sg] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps my reputation as a coureur emasculates Stuart .
2 One thing I know for certain is that after completing the first pitch it was only my experience as a climber to the lower E grades that got me through , and I wondered how a non-climber might have got on using the same information .
3 It 's wrong the Blacks ca n't do as they please in South Africa , it 's as much their country as the Whites .
4 With only her voice as a clue , I had spent the afternoon ransacking the village for elegant snacks and found them : madeleines , ratafias , petits fours .
5 Monetarists stress the function of money as a medium of exchange and play down its role as a store of wealth .
6 But , in the story , Rapunzel had let down her hair as a living rope to draw her beloved to her .
7 Sean says that , ironically , the accident happened because she was trying to live down her reputation as a ‘ difficult actress ’ .
8 When she arrives back at the WPGET 's headquarters , she will find that Alison Nicholas , a key player in the 1992 Solheim Cup , has handed in her notice as a member of the WPGET 's board .
9 Suddenly his status as a student was no longer something to be concealed , it was part of his consciousness .
10 Mr McGregor , a father of three , from Linthorpe , Middlesbrough , has reduced function in his arms , numbness from the neck down and a ten-inch scar down his head as a result of the attack .
11 The company shall be presumed to be carrying on its business as a going concern .
12 The issue is not so much whether or how far the sense of grievance or of legitimate right can be justified objectively but rather its potency as a force in the equation , just as an unwavering Jewish belief in the right to all Eretz Israel has proved indispensable to the achievements of Zionism .
13 Public awareness of its advantages and more importantly its acceptance as a safe process will promote its use as a common place preservation process as pasteurisation was almost a century ago .
14 The prosperity of Cadiz , based on the American trade , was to decline sharply in the nineteenth century and allow Barcelona to take over its position as the exemplar of middle-class civilization , although it was never to replace the Andalusian towns as nurseries of liberal politicians .
15 THUGS slaughtered and dismembered a pet goat then took away its head as a trophy , police said yesterday .
16 ‘ I have made it my business to go after lost Leonardos now , ’ says Dr Pedretti , who worked closely with Kenneth Clark and took over his mantle as the world 's leading Leonardo expert .
17 She stressed ‘ accept ’ and yet , as she went on , her sentences drifted over his head as the phrase ‘ as distinguished as you , sir ’ looped now pleasingly , now mockingly around his mind .
18 And already he knew in his heart that to be a vicar or a curate was not his vocation as a priest for the rest of his life .
19 ‘ This was always my favourite as a child , ’ said Ilsa .
20 And physically it was n't any worse than when I fell off my bike as a kid and was concussed for an hour or two .
21 The boys declared it a feast compared with the week before and polished off their chocolate as a bonus .
22 JAN Molby will bid to shake off his tag as the ‘ forgotten man ’ of Denmark tomorrow — and put himself in line for a place against Northern Ireland next month .
23 JAN Molby will bid to shake off his tag as the ‘ forgotten man ’ of Denmark tomorrow — and put himself in line for a place against Northern Ireland next month .
24 Worried by the reforms made by his predecessor Lionel Jospin , those directly affected fear any tendency towards publicity seeking by a ‘ Minister of Cultural Education ’ who , it seems , has not yet succeeded in shaking off his image as a lightweight .
25 Meanwhile , he struggles to shake off his image as an emotional amputee in search of sympathy .
26 In the case of Molla Sayyid Muhammad al-Nakib ( Yavuz Celebi ) , on the other hand , Ata'i merely notes that he started off his career as a kasabat kadi , then turned to the medrese system in which he was given a 40-akce medrese and subsequently worked his way up to the Suleymaniye Darulhadis — probably by this time the premier medrese in the empire to which he was appointed in 1012/1604 : he later became kadi of Eyup and then nakibulesraf .
27 it mostly concerns the small details and seemingly unimportant events which make up my experience as a woman and a mother .
28 I was n't doing anything to speed up my role as a would-be doctor , so during my last year at Oxford , where I had planned to stay for three years before going to London for the real hard medical training , I arranged ( again through Dr Allott ) to spend my final long vac helping out as a general dogsbody at the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases in Queen Square , central London , where there was a special unit investigating Heine-Medin 's disease , the original name for polio , and — especially in the 1930s — doing research into the spinal aspects .
29 This category of plan probably represents the outcome of a cumulative and spontaneous growth of internal streets , to meet a whole range of contributory factors including population growth , increasing functional complexity , the availability of resources and the intangible aspect of focal consciousness on the part of the resident community hence its importance as an indicator of increased urban status .
30 Despite identification with the ‘ Western , camp , Japan is cautiously trying to build up her position as an Asian nation and as a member of the Pacific community .
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