Example sentences of "[adv] [pos pn] [noun] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Will my hon. Friend pass on my congratulations to all who were involved in that improvement ?
2 My policy is a policy of peace … my minister of foreign affairs carries on my policy in this sense " .
3 This is of course only my opinion on this particular offering from the author and many book type programs available are worth every penny .
4 ‘ Give me my bill , ’ I said to the man behind the desk , ‘ and bring down my suitcase in half an hour . ’
5 ‘ I 'm against apartheid too , ’ growled Surkov , ‘ but I do n't want it thrust down my throat like this . ’
6 I was a very sickly child , and so my memories of those first years are dark .
7 ‘ I shall be the first one to give in my order to these dear ladies , I shall have three pairs of the best leather boots the house of Grenfell and Morgan can supply . ’
8 I try to suck in my cheeks like all those Donnie Munro pictures , but the jowls still wobble alarmingly .
9 It 's not her dying while he 's there that panics him , I reckon ; it 's the thought of something messy or perhaps her dipping into another decade and making him one of the period characters .
10 It was perhaps their awareness of this , rather than their arrogance , which led them to emphasize the relationship so strongly after Edward IV 's death .
11 It was perhaps their awareness of this , rather than their arrogance , which led them to emphasize the relationship so strongly after Edward IV 's death .
12 In general the larger libraries engage in more structured training and much more training as a whole , than small libraries , and perhaps their domination in this field has tended to obscure the problems faced by smaller authorities who never could — or increasingly , no longer can-base their training programmes on the assumption that staff can easily , or frequently be released from their normal workplace :
13 They were desperate for solid information rather than rumour , and a few made veiled threats to scale down their coverage of another case for which the Yard was desperate for publicity unless there was a press conference .
14 When the balance sheet was finally totted up after the war , it was estimated that 1O , OOO Frenchmen alone had laid down their lives on this one small corner of France .
15 There appears no civilised pale where they can remove their armour and let down their guard for any length of time .
16 In Sutherland alone , one third of the population was evicted ( by burning down their homes in most cases ) to make way for sheep ranching and game shooting — which ensured in their turn that the pine forests would stand little chance of regenerating .
17 Are the clerics going to look down their noses at this ?
18 The curators of the grand US museums like the Metropolitan look down their noses at these shows , but the citizens of Memphis are pleased as can be , because before WONDERS they just felt out in the boondocks .
19 Army " hardliners " , who believed in the supremacy of military over civilian institutions , had previously boycotted the peace process and demanded that the URNG lay down its arms before any agreement was reached .
20 Once , she would have laid down her life for this man , and the memory of that devotion could still make her soul weep .
21 If the daemon that fired Karen had invaded Alison 's body , locking its carapace to her face and swarming down her throat like some nifty parasitic alien , it would have had her coming on like Mae West in no time at all .
22 Not since she had walked down her path on that evening when it had all begun had she felt such a sure and unmistakeable feeling of threat and menace .
23 Their greater need is for explanations — or so their interest in these lessons suggests .
24 None the less her experiences with those other professionals led her to believe that she could nut affect the result of their deliberations .
25 I was told by released French hostages that he did attempt to escape , that he was beaten very badly , and that basically his spirit at that time was , was , was broken ; he did n't want to talk with the other hostages in the room and he pretty much had withdrawn .
26 To Tom Poole that day , Coleridge wrote a farewell letter , setting down his sense of all that Poole had been to him since the beginning of their friendship more than four years earlier :
27 Captain Montgomery says he 's going to shut down his engines in another half-mile .
28 Feel that Mr Twill may be called upon to lay down his femur after all .
29 She heard a sharp intake of breath , then an ear-splitting crack as Penry Vaughan slammed down his receiver without another word .
30 Mr Brownlow walked up and down his room for several minutes , deep in thought .
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