Example sentences of "[adv] [vb mod] [pron] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It follows that because a practice may work well in one country , there is no guarantee that it will continue to do so should it be transferred elsewhere , especially if it conflicts with indigenous traditions and social values .
2 If the use of a drug seemed appropriate , what dose should be used , and for how long should it be continued ?
3 you had your hand up , how long would you be paid for if you were off sick ?
4 I think you could play so many tunes on it that not only would we be producing much more efficiently and economically , but people could have a better quality of life too .
5 So would you be brought up on Sanday as well ?
6 How long shall we be enslaved by hate , bitterness , fear and selfishness ?
7 So will he be returning to sea ?
8 ‘ How long will ye be gone ? ’
9 ‘ How long will we be gone ? ’
10 ‘ How long will you be gone ? ’
11 ‘ And how long will you be gone ? ’
12 ‘ How long will you be staying in Venice ? ’
13 ‘ How long will you be staying with us ? ’ he queried when she handed him back the completed card .
14 How long will you be doing your cake ?
15 At this stage then having spent so many weeks in hospital , how long will you be required to continue further visits to you know , up update the treatment ?
16 ‘ Not only will everyone be rushing back to the city today , after the weekend vacation , but I understand Ross has been on the phone , getting the air-conditioning fixed and also seeing about someone to help you with the kids .
17 Not only will I be dealing with some of your concerns through ‘ Vet 's Corner ’ , but I am taking them up with the very people who make the food — with some eye-opening results !
18 Not only will you be left standing in the cold , 596 gallons of specially prepared lumpy semolina garnished liberally with dead dogs and donkey droppings will cascade down on you from a secret overhead trapdoor .
19 Not only will he be accepted on the terraces but also as a drinking partner in the local pubs .
20 However , it is a move fraught with problems as our writers explain How long can it be taken as read ?
21 Not only can it be introduced by contaminated water changes but it is also self-generated as part of the biological filtration cycle .
22 So can she be said to have died as a result of the accident ? ’
23 If such claims can not be " explained away " ; if they do not reduce to ascriptions of certain attributes to certain entities ; if furthermore they can not be paraphrased simply in terms of knowledge , or translated into claims about the syntactical properties of certain expressions , the question is , how exactly should they be interpreted ?
24 When the heat has appeared how best should it be taken away — by pressurised water , by steam , by liquid sodium or by carbon dioxide ?
25 By the late '80s , no longer could we be described as the ‘ sick man of Europe ’ .
26 How easy would it be to fit a Series III dash ( complete ) to my 1974 Series III lightweight .
27 And no longer will they be allowed to take more than 500 roubles a month ( about twice the average monthly wage ) out of their bank accounts .
28 What exactly will you be looking for ?
29 ‘ What exactly will you be doing up there ? ’
30 How soon will you be leaving Venice ? ’
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