Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] he have the " in BNC.

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1 Eddie gets the best lines , perhaps because he has the most lines .
2 A chubby young man called Laird Cregar appealed to me as a suspect , if only because he had the habit of being seen loitering around places where beautiful women had just been strangled .
3 So long as he had the support of Sir Rufus Stone , he could thumb his nose at Cotton .
4 For a long time Roe has harboured a desire to do some commentating so when he had the chance at the European he took it with both hands .
5 Morel died soon after , but not before he had the bitter pleasure of seeing the Labour Government brought down with the aid of a ‘ red scare ’ engineered , it appeared at the time , by Foreign Office officials .
6 Occasionally , such a player realises this and finds he has the nerve to win the tournament , just as he had the nerve to win the tournament that took him to Augusta in the first place .
7 Just as he had the ability to compartmentalize his life , so he also seemed able to slough off the weight of the past and begin again .
8 He had spoken the compliment as though he really meant it , just as he had the first time he 'd said it .
9 There he was , Prince Nicolo Sabatini , standing at the rear of the showroom , completely alone , his arms folded over his chest , watching her exactly as he had the first time she 'd set eyes on him , with such a fierce blend of desire and anger that her heart leaped into her throat .
10 As soon as he had the paper in his hand the door slammed again .
11 He might not love Didi , but he intended to marry her as soon as he had the ring , and he 'd only persuaded her to return to New York to facilitate matters and save a possible clash …
12 A naval officer could rise in rank quite rapidly if he had the friendship of the commander-in-chief of a distant station .
13 said he was off yesterday cos he had the flu
14 She had indeed shown little interest in the fields her great-aunt had left , probably because he had the use of them .
15 ‘ I 'm sure Joe would go out if he had the chance , ’ said Cheryl .
16 He says he wanted to find out if he had the intellectual ability to complete a degree starting from nothing .
17 Even if he had the knowledge and inclination to do so , there are too many distractions .
18 Herluin , when finally he did touch , touched as if the vellum might burn him , timidly and convulsively , and even when he had the book open , for better or worse , agonized a few moments over where to choose on the page , shifting from recto to verso and back again before settling .
19 In any intimacy between a stronger and a weaker personality the weaker is inclined to yield even when he has the means to prevail , from a compulsion to see through the eyes of the stronger .
20 He felt just as strongly as he had the night before .
21 Either because he had the hump or because he thought it would make for a good show he started smashing the footlights one by one .
22 On his desk was a map of the Fairfax property which he had been working on when he had the telephone call from the owner telling him that he was cancelling all the arrangements .
23 Locke 's friends commended him for demolishing Proast 's ecclesiastical regime as effectively as he had the absolutist civil polity of Sir Robert Filmer [ q.v . ] .
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