Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] you [vb base] it " in BNC.

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1 If you have a combination skin , recognisable by an oily T-zone ( forehead , nose and chin ) and drier cheeks , apply moisturiser only where you need it ( ie over the cheeks and up to the temples ) .
2 It stays longer where you need it to stay — in the stomach — and moves more swiftly where you need it to move more swiftly , through the intestine and bowel .
3 " He will know your body better than you know it yourself , Menina . "
4 Erm ha having gone through that you moved on er and gave out your business card fi first and then the buyer 's guide erm do n't know whether you 're happy doing it that way or whether it 's better round the other way , I I , you , you tend to think if you give somebody the buyer 's guide first when they start to look at it you give them your business card and take it away , perhaps if you do it the other way round they might s start reading the buyer 's guide
5 There is a marked reluctance to arguing why people should be accorded such rights — " It just is so and things work better if you accept it — racism for example causes instability and prejudice and violence , so it must go " .
6 The fear of death can stunt your life — but only if you let it .
7 It 's only if you let it take over your life that it 's wrong . ’
8 Your reading will be useful only if you remember it and can do something with it .
9 Try taking the best chop next time — but only if you want it !
10 Only if you want it be , ’ I said wearily .
11 Only if you want it to .
12 ‘ It 's enough if you want it enough . ’
13 Look , cos that 's why it 's already broken so if you push it it 'll go .
14 So if you implement it totally in parallel you can go very fast .
15 So if you total it up , Be er again and first of all council being a , being a council , and they succeeded very well .
16 Otherwise it 's a slip switch so if you put it in , if I put it in my bag and it switches on and someone else so the the batteries will waste .
17 well if you got pastry right , and you have to put a sponge on top like this is , it would go soggy , it would n't go hard would it ? , so if you bake it blind you 're baking pastry on its without anything on
18 I find it very difficult to obtain a regular supply of van Houten 's cocoa ; it sells almost immediately , so if you see it , buy it .
19 MIKE LESTER : Well , you know that scene better than anyone , so if you say it 's not on we 'll have to accept it .
20 A as opposed to U is n't it , so it 's really like lugg age so if you say it quickly together it becomes luggage , yeah , okay , the next one , oh sorry put it in a sentence
21 so if you do it say , if , if it was exchange contracts today
22 So if you need it in a hurry it can be a problem .
23 and so if you leave it till after that and
24 So if you handle it well , we 'll move forward .
25 You are not obliged to tell anyone at school of your child 's HIV status , but you may choose to do so if you feel it is best for your child to have a trusted adult who knows the situation .
26 I thought I 'd give you that opportunity cos it is a little ARC publication , it 's one that we er So so if you want it .
27 So if you want it to beco to be a third you 've still got to make it an E and call it a double flat .
28 So if you want it , my advice is take the Xerox or read the book .
29 So if you place it
30 You place the slightly warm etching plate , so if you pop it on there for about half a second to get the printing ink nicely mobile and you put it printing ink face up .
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