Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It follows from this that there has never been , and never could be , an empirical human society of other than miniscule size in which all the individuals were , even approximately , " equal " , other perhaps than in the theological sense of " equal before God " .
2 ‘ We have got to be a lot , lot better than in the Canadian game , but I have no doubt we will be , ’ he said .
3 I t was colder inside than in the open air .
4 During their training , emphasis is on the practice of the theory , much more so than in the usual training of teachers .
5 More so than in the first leg .
6 Though large families are less widespread in the twentieth century , the large family still remains vulnerable to poverty , if relatively less so than in the nineteenth century .
7 No more so than in the 20th minute , when Steve Bruce rolled the ball back to him and from 25 yards he hit a low , left-foot shot through a crowd of players to give United the lead .
8 Throughout the postwar period , Yugoslavia has been short of foreign exchange , and never more so than in the 1980s .
9 The track that Mr Foyt made his second home has changed over the years , but perhaps no more so than in the past year .
10 At the same time , and never more so than in the 1860s and 1870s , every secondary sexual characteristic was grotesquely overemphasised : men 's hair and beards , women 's hair , breasts , hips and buttocks , swelled to enormous size by means of false chignons , culs-de-Paris , etc .
11 The result was a blow for the Liberal Democrats , who polled nearly 1,000 votes less than in the 1987 election .
12 Total imports of crude oil in the first 10 months of 1989 were 2,380,000 tonnes less than in the corresponding period in 1988 , but cost $36,970,000 more .
13 The absolute loss of population from the cores of Greater London , Greater Manchester and Merseyside was less than in the previous decade , but population growth is now firmly identified with smaller towns and accessible settlements in the countryside .
14 Dicta to the contrary in McPhail v Persons Unknown [ 1973 ] 3 All ER 393 are thought to be applicable only if in the High Court .
15 Steve Clifford , one of the Cobham leaders with whom some of these teams consult regularly , identifies various desirable features which facilitate growth , believing that in Tooting many of these came together whereas in the earlier attempts , one or more of these elements was missing .
16 The poems are intended to be read aloud as in the late middle ages , a period to which Darras is keenly attracted because national and linguistic boundaries had not yet hardened .
17 As previously described , " state dependent learning " occurs when the brain will repeat learned functions only when in the same " drugged " state as when the subject matter or practical activity was first learnt .
18 Profitability declined slightly but more slowly than in the previous 18 months .
19 Consumer electronics exports grew more slowly than in the previous year , but sales of computer disks rose by 31 per cent to S$7,200 million .
20 Similarly , he retained a strong christocentrism , but tried to find a ‘ non-religious ’ interpretation of Jesus as ‘ the man for others ’ in whom God is indeed present , but present in weakness , suffering and hiddenness rather than in the authoritative majesty which was so markedly appealed to in Barth 's earlier writing .
21 After a flight to the west , meetings should take place in the morning by new local time rather than in the latter part of the day .
22 I know very well that in many cases this is in the mind of the palaeontologist rather than in the rocky facts themselves .
23 It was a faculty common to all good sailors , the essential extra that enabled them to meet the seas whatever the conditions so that their craft ran straight rather than in the long zig-zags of the helmsman imprisoned by the compass and only reacting to the swing of its needle .
24 Much of that lay in curriculum and pedagogy rather than in the large-scale organization of schools .
25 Bone , in fact , started on the surface of the head , rather than in the early backbones .
26 Beneath their discursiveness , these books exhibit a coherent social theory : the way to social progress lay in the rational wills of individuals , and true philanthropy consisted in supporting and strengthening that rational will rather than in the mechanical relief of poverty .
27 Like the orthodox account , they locate the crisis specifically within the prison rather than in the penal system as a whole .
28 It is far easier in physical terms to read texts if they are positioned as below ( A ) rather than in the usual position ( B ) .
29 Both brothers were dressed in neatly tailored white tuxedos and black ties in preparation for the formal reception being given in their father 's honour at the palace of the governor of Cochin-China , and it was Chuck who had insisted that they travel separately by pousse-pousse rather than in the official Citron sent for their parents .
30 The role of the state was to be changed so that it would offer help in the last rather than in the first resort .
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