Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [pers pn] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Harbury tried to grab the apparent opportunity but Wickham neatly turned the conversation so that Shildon was able to go on where he had left off .
2 It had worked very well last night with Fräulein Hubert , better than he 'd hoped , but he ought to be careful until his plans were all consolidated , then he could dump Ingrid and carry on where he 'd left off with that lovely little thing .
3 Now apart from by taking land from the landlords which is pretty in unspecific , all of the others are , are s are straight , very moderate , very limited acquisitions and then if you go on where you 've got ta protect the middle peasant etcetera , then they are really very low key methods , you , you , you would not see that I think as being the return to land reform .
4 I do n't know about Augusta being my territory but it 's nice to come somewhere where you have won before , obviously , and live off the memories …
5 References to our name will be appropriate only where we have provided a report for publication in a public document or circular , or ( as provided for in the engagement letter ) have otherwise consented to the ‘ form and context ’ in which our name is to appear .
6 Achieving regular employment has been one of the most difficult targets for people who have left institutions and there is a marked descent through the occupational and class structure so that , especially where they have suffered illnesses such as schizophrenia , the work they are able to get tends to be of an unskilled or semi-skilled kind .
7 Inadequate timetabling , the organisation of lessons during lunchtimes and instead of normal lessons or assemblies , the allocation of unsatisfactory classrooms , the poor arrangement of furniture for learning purposes , the lack of suitable materials — all these factors tend to discourage learners of community languages , especially where they have had little influence on the choice of their subject options when a community language is involved .
8 I like the way you 've got it to sound like a court report , especially where you 've used the reported speech for the Judge and Jury .
9 Yeah so except you 've got to list everybody 's name .
10 Yes you reminded erm er Jim about the , the er asking why you asked for recommendations , pinpointed handled the objections excellently erm I 'd actually put video not available but you brought it in so you 've got a cross here and it 's got yes you , yes it was
11 Is it not the case that although the wage increases of British workers have come down the benefits of that have been dissipated , and that due to the recession induced by the Government productivity has gone down although it has gone up in Germany and as a result unit labour costs in the year to the second quarter of 1991 went up by 3 per cent .
12 Hope walked back into Grasmere even more thoughtfully than he had left it .
13 It looked a scrappy goal , but slightly better once I had seen what really happened on the telly .
14 So although we 've got a device we must use it with care when working in coastal waters .
15 So although he has gone to some trouble to leave tracks across his own land at Highgrove specially for the local hunt , the Beaufort , he hardly ever joins them .
16 So although I had expected a life of some leisure , I found myself lucky to be apprenticed to a carpenter in Kendal .
17 The cells could be multipotential , migrate to all the sites and only once they had arrived would they , due to local signals , be directed along the correct developmental pathway .
18 Non-members can take advantage of the low dealing costs by calling into one of the Norwich & Peterborough 's 65 branches , but only once they have received their allotment letters .
19 Non-members can take advantage of the low dealing costs by calling into one of the Norwich & Peterborough 's 65 branches , but only once they have received their allotment letters .
20 It maybe faithful for a long time , perhaps you build up that trust , and it 's only once you 've got beyond that , that you can then begin to actually influence er , negotiate with them .
21 You should also bear in mind that it is only once you have reached the end of the road in trying to obtain satisfaction through the Bank 's own complaints system that the Ombudsman will be able to formally consider your complaint .
22 Only once it had looked real : when we flew back one night from a blazing Hamm at twenty feet in the moonlight .
23 The question for Iavolenus therefore is whether the period of sixteen years was supposed to be for the benefit of the trustee ( so that he could enjoy the income from the estate in the meantime ) or of the estate itself ( so that it would fall into the hands of the testator 's son only once he had reached the age of responsibility ) .
24 For someone she had met only once he had had a remarkable impact on her .
25 So once we 've decided which company you 'll work within I can come I can provide you with a training course immediately .
26 So once we 've got that the contract and the cheque , yippee we can send off our commission form at the end of the week with all the deals in the envelope .
27 So once it 's got onto our approved list , we 're pretty sure that we 're , we 're really in the right area .
28 This computer is a pretty pathetic one basically and it ca n't hold very much information programme and so once it 's had five records fed into it 's memory it 's full up which is pretty pathetic given the size of each record .
29 Okay , so once it 's signed and accepted , the client , does their part of the bargain , i.e. pays their premiums , then there 's no way we can decide to opt out of the contract ,
30 Because it was no use to the farmer , there was no water to be seen there , and I thought I could do it with my own garden tools , and so once I 'd removed all the rough brambles and so on and discovered the periphery of the old pond
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