Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] it [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The likelihood is that had the matter come before the courts in the nineteenth century , they would have held that the mistake had to be reasonable , for it was generally considered at that time that mistake was a defence which would excuse a defendant from liability only where it was based on reasonable grounds .
2 But this equitable separate estate existed only where it was created by a will or settlement , or in the comparatively rare cases where the Court of Chancery exercised its jurisdiction to compel a husband to make a settlement upon his wife .
3 They saw such truancy , often regarded as a symptom of deep-rooted social , emotional or economic problems , as something which , despite their best efforts , they could do little to alleviate especially where it was accepted by parents .
4 According to section 15 of the 1982 Act , if the union is sued for inducing breach of or interfering with contract , or for intimidation by threats to interfere with contract , or for conspiracy to commit these torts , then the act in question shall be taken to have been done by the union only if it was authorised or endorsed by a ‘ responsible person , ’ which means the principal executive committee , any person authorised by the rules to endorse acts of the kind in question , the president or general secretary , any other employed official , or any committee to which an employed official reports , but an act by an official or a committee to which he reports shall not be taken as authorised or endorsed if the official or committee was prevented from authorising or endorsing the act by union rules or if the act has been repudiated by the president or general secretary .
5 One might ( perhaps ) be able to teach a dolphin to peel a banana , but only if it was incorporated into a sequence of actions required to achieve some goal considered meaningful to the mind of the dolphin — food , affection , play or whatever !
6 Another close relative , acetylsalicylic acid , i.e. aspirin , was active only if it was broken down to release salicylic acid .
7 But only if it was going begging of course ! ’
8 Political activity here would undermine the credibility of a claimant only if it was designed merely to enhance a claim or to construct one that did not exist .
9 The response of the North was to suggest that Roh 's gesture would be considered sincere only if it was accompanied by the removal of certain border defences and the abolition of the National Security Law .
10 If this can be established as an objective truth , then this would indeed make a correctionalist approach misguided — although only if it were committed to the total elimination of deviance .
11 It was obliged to do so if it was to operate within a competitive market where there were a sufficient number of firms producing the same or a substitutable commodity so that each firm was incapable of influencing the price of the commodity by adjusting its output .
12 So if it was going to get rough she could n't be in safer hands .
13 If a family of , say , five could in years of normal food prices be almost supported on 4s 6d a week , then a payment of 6d or 1s , either to a single pauper or as a supplement to the earnings of a large family , was indeed significant , especially if it was combined with occasional relief payments for tools , clothing , towards rent or for medicine .
14 Of more than 40 witnesses , only he had positively identified the defendant but the jury could still convict on his evidence alone if it was convinced by it .
15 Place the cone or ball on the floor beside you and hold the yarn above the carriage , in the position it would be in if it were threaded through the yarn mast .
16 It will be a whole lot clearer to you then , but it 's there basically because it was asked for , it 's inadequate because that was all they could do on the day , having been instructed to provide it .
17 But this year it was much better because they 'd let them all in because it was raining were n't it ?
18 Ace could see it only because it was moving , blotting out more stars as it and the shuttle flew towards each other .
19 But it was only because it was done in er er I think .
20 But if you are the slightest bit interested in this symphony you simply must hear it , and not only because it was recorded only months after première performances conducted by Mravinsky himself .
21 Priority was to be given to walking , not only because it was felt that this would give disproportionate environmental benefits and would aid access to public transport , but it would recognise the dominance of local movement by foot transport .
22 Laura was not in a great hurry to find a new designer if only because it was dawning on her that the company needed more of a skilled copier than an original artist .
23 Nevertheless , in the wake of the retreat of American power and the demise of SEATO neutralisation remained the regional strategic stance of Southeast Asia , if only because it was considered by the region to be the only plausible defence against becoming a Chinese sphere of influence .
24 Top public sector earners such as judges , senior officials and forces top brass will get a 2.9 per cent rise but only because it was negotiated last year as part of a phased increase for 1992 .
25 It closed a few years ago , they could n't knock it down because it was meant to be a prime example of nineteen thirties architecture .
26 Admittedly , this is a powerful nation , but not necessarily because it was founded on strong principles .
27 His father told him he had never come closer to disobeying an order in his life , but he was finally persuaded to do so because it was pointed out to him that if the British Army did not send back the Cossacks , the Soviets would not send back British POWs .
28 In keeping with this principle , systems and procedures were deliberately kept old-fashioned , especially since it was found that many guests favoured this .
29 The achievements of Raymond IV St Gilles in consolidating his authority within Toulouse were threatened by his departure in 1095 , especially since it was known that he had no intention of returning home .
30 His appointment is thought to herald a tougher security policy particularly so since it was announced that the back bench
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