Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] it [vb past] mean " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It took an awful lot of my powers as Chairman of Academic Review and Resources Committee to steer that course through because it did mean a lot of resource implications that were n't obvious at the beginning .
2 ‘ If I had n't known you could by last night , ’ she retorted , ‘ I 'd have got me a spare staff nurse even if it had meant taking this bloody hospital apart .
3 Penelope 's way home took her along St Basil 's Terrace , or if it had not done she would have arranged her journey to include it , even if it had meant a slight detour .
4 ‘ I would have had to have come to some arrangement with Janice — separate houses , separate lives — and taken on the job of looking after Kirsty myself , even if it had meant giving up my job . ’
5 Definitely not my type , I decided , even if it did mean getting even with Dennis .
6 It 's all a long way from those bit-parts and Lynda 's delighted to be making her mark — even if it did mean changing career .
7 I thought of all the extra equipment his money would buy for Masquerade , and that 's how I tried to justify my acceptance of the senator 's proposal , but in reality it was because Crowninshield had invited me to play Galahad and I never could resist the lure of the dragon 's breath even if it did mean charging into idiocy like a fool .
8 Even the thought of lunch at Osborne House again tomorrow did n't seem too bad an idea , even if it did mean listening to Mama telling him how she heard nightingales in the garden at Pierremont House and how she walked all the way to Pegwell when she was twelve and ate shrimp paste at the Bellevue Tavern .
9 Given trust as a first condition , the changes which followed each stage of review , assessment and evaluation came more easily — even if it did mean that some criticisms had first to be voiced and discussed ( JM Dobson conversation , 1990 ) .
10 Besides , she did n't feel so wonderful that she wanted a boat ride to the mainland just yet , even if it did mean staying shut up here with only this moody man for company .
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