Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] i know [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They say , ‘ Thank you for playing the hymn , you did n't mention my name so although I know you were n't playing it just for me , I felt as if you were ’ .
2 ‘ It 's only because I know you so well , Peachcake .
3 And then it was only because I knew I was going to have to leave at the crack of dawn on Friday , and I would n't have time to fix anything up . ’
4 I 'll wait all night if necessary so long as I know you 'll be coming .
5 So when I knew I had cancer and was facing death , I still could n't pray to the God I associated with the churches .
6 Indication can be quivertip or butt indicator and generally I wait for the reel to revolve slowly so I know it is not a line bite .
7 Because I could n't settle tonight until I knew you were all right . ’
8 I did n't think he 'd be cooking tonight cos I knew they were n't shutting the
9 I lay on my back and watched it for a second , then got up and ran after her as fast as I could , again just because I knew I could n't catch her .
10 The party 's powerful Senate minority leader , Bob Dole , had just told Bush : ‘ Just as I know you 've changed the world , I also know the best man did n't win . ’
11 Just as I know you sent that poison pen letter .
12 ‘ I know 't is my brother you really wish to see — just as I know I must call you my lady Anne ! ’
13 Devastated … he 's completely smashed me to bits , she thought , just as I knew he would .
14 ‘ I was n't worried as soon as I knew we had a home draw .
15 As soon as I knew she was n't a hundred per cent , I just did n't want to know her …
16 I spoke to her last night as soon as I knew you were OK , but she 'll need to hear from you .
17 So , it was , it was , I , a as soon as I knew I 'd be teaching this I thought the only way
18 Right cos I know you 've got to get off you 've got to be there for six have you ?
19 She 's not too unpleasant , even if she does pretend to like me more than I know she really does .
20 Well mm well you , you can but it 'll be nice to , it will be nice to have something , something , you know , kind of some sort of list we can , we can refer to and , and say oh yes oh great he 's handed that one in now and , and sort of knock it off because I know they do keep records in the office but , you know just , just something so , so we know where you are erm and it also kind of er will perhaps help concentrate the mind on what you need to get done erm so er
21 At one time I would buy a bottle of whiskey and pour it all over me before going home because I knew she would n't try to argue if she thought I was drunk .
22 I have been ever since I knew I had this trouble . ’
23 I welcome the public debate the NCCL is trying to stir up because I know I 'll get the support of the majority who are frustrated and frightened by deteriorating public order .
24 ‘ I wo n't march off and ask what the hell is going on because I know he will be acting in the best interests of the team .
25 of them , I 've had 'em before so I know they 're nice
26 I did n't like to call out because I knew they were busy getting lunch .
27 Need to exactly find out before I knew I 'd got mucked up the whole thing and ca n't send there back either .
28 ‘ As far as I know 'e was 'avin' it orf wiv one o' the young gels where 'e worked .
29 As far as I know they are the original studs , measuring 23mm across .
30 I would like to record that they tried to cheer each other up in their double misery , but I 'm afraid the truth is that as far as I know they never spoke to each other again .
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