Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] that she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Important to whom — to Master Peachey ? ’ demanded Anne , thereby suggesting that she held the opinions of their tutor in contempt .
2 I feel , rather than see , Moira suddenly remembering that she has an awful lot of things to do somewhere else .
3 When she got downstairs they were both waiting for her , so obviously waiting that she stopped dead and looked alarmed .
4 His grin was so disarming that she blinked slightly .
5 The gipsies looked so threatening that she thought they were going to attack Angela 's father , but Farmer Yatton stood his ground , and presently the gipsies , grumbling loudly , began to move their horses , which they had unharnessed , back between the shafts of the caravans .
6 Something in the pale gaze was so unnerving that she froze .
7 However , there were people there who were ‘ greatly desiring that she had been out of that country ’ , and she bustled off to York , where the Archbishop paid a man five shillings to lead her out of the town .
8 The cut may be made with little or no apparent awareness , the patient suddenly discovering that she has cut herself and at the same time experiencing a sense of relief .
9 ‘ Is this the kind of thing you want , old thing ? ’ he enquired kindly , obviously feeling that she needed to be humoured .
10 ‘ It looked all right , did it ? ’ she asked Morris again , perhaps forgetting that she had asked him once already .
11 One foggy night she lost her way and had to grope along the bank for some way finally realising that she had circled round and returned to the Halling side by mistake .
12 ‘ Why ? ’ she demanded , finally deciding that she 'd just been insulted .
13 I 'm not saying that she winds Daddy round her little finger , she does not .
14 Alida went downstairs , stooping a little , not knowing that she stooped , annoyed at the trouble a hot drink caused .
15 ‘ No , ’ Stephen said , stabbed , just realizing that she had .
16 Guiltily realizing that she had n't finished yet , Jezrael leaped just in time to rewind the cuber .
17 Summoning all her reserves , she swam forcefully down the whole length of the pool , and back again , gradually realising that she felt fitter than she had done for ages .
18 Kiku was always pretending that she hated the stares of men , but in reality she was the vainest person alive .
19 At once regretting that she had let herself become riled , she delved into her bag and came out with a bar of soap .
20 But the nurse left court still insisting that she had n't struck a blow .
21 He was a strange man , still lonely in spite of taking her for his wife , and kept his own counsel , never discussing his thoughts with her , keeping his troubles deep , and always ensuring that she had whatever she needed .
22 She grew up believing that she had no right to be alive , let alone deserved any happiness .
23 I did n't realise that you might not — er — be able to have any babies … ’ she added with an unhappy sigh , clearly wishing that she 'd kept her mouth shut .
24 As he spoke , he continued to caress her swollen breast , clearly sensing that she had no desire for him to stop .
25 She felt he was looking at her professionally now : a woman who had only had two cups of coffee for breakfast , who had not gone shopping or taken herself out to lunch as she had planned , who , in the old days , never seemed to waste a minute , who never laid down in the middle of the day and yet was now stretched out on the bed , inert , apathetic , openly admitting that she had n't realised the time .
26 He was simply checking that she had considered all the angles before reaching her decision to go .
27 ‘ Your wife is Guy 's sister ? ’ asked Isabel , in her curiosity not even noticing that she had used fitzAlan 's given name .
28 Surely he was n't implying that she had been trying out her feminine wiles on Sam ?
29 Laura responded to this repositioning of her responsibilities neither by loudly insisting that she have more formal authority nor by sweetly surrendering the vestiges of power which she had .
30 But the luxurious tropical oasis that was the Hamiltons ' house , and the fact that she saw Tom every day and had become friends with him , had led her to drop her guard without fully realising that she had done so , and now she was utterly vulnerable to him .
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