Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [conj] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She felt guilty , but she could say with a clear conscience that her business was so demanding that she hardly had time to think of Northumberland although , in truth , as her successes and problems in Italy had increased , there seemed less and less reason to return to Nora .
2 Maggie 's heart was suddenly thumping as they slowly left the floor .
3 Suddenly realising that she no longer had their attention , and that they were both listening to a woman 's voice loudly exclaiming from outside , she lamely tailed off .
4 His face was an arrangement of harsh lines so discouraging that she almost lost her nerve and backed out .
5 ‘ I would be delighted to design the flowers for your wedding … | ’ The daydream was so engrossing that she almost did n't see the man and the girl struggling on the pavement opposite .
6 ( You will have noticed , I trust , that there is no mention of my walking stick and my gloves in this kiosk episode , thus proving that I certainly do not need to use them .
7 While I am not suggesting that you immediately dismantle an arrangement of flowers , perhaps after a day or two you could carefully remove a leaf or two , and a few flowers .
8 I was just checking before I actually erm
9 Exuberantly believing that he alone was responsible for the separation and still moved by a powerfully purifying sense of goodness and rightness , Hope paid his modest bill the next morning , left a parting note for George , checked himself from asking to see Mary , promised — though he lied — to return and set off at a tremendous pace for Hause Point .
10 Sorry , I was just wondering if you actually asleep or not .
11 Erm I 'm just wondering if he ever gets the messages to say I 've phoned .
12 They say it 's too soon considering that they just started work with Bull on them , as we ourselves noted .
13 ' I was ah — I was just thinking that we really must — must get Willy to give us another shot of his old car ; you know , the Mini he bombs up and down the sands on sometimes ?
14 That was the movie in which Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye went to Vermont for the holiday to discover it was not snowing when it jolly well should have been .
15 He turned to walk on alone , not realizing that he still loved her .
16 Corbett smiled ; a few minutes later he wished he had n't , for he too was sick and was still trembling when they safely reached the abbey gates .
17 She was still crying when she suddenly noticed Gabriel Oak , who had come up the path on his way to the church , and was watching her sympathetically .
18 And though Douglas on the surface was more generous , more giving than his sometimes taciturn elder son , Shiona recognised that what they shared in common was that fierce individuality and sense of purpose that had brought Douglas , through his own efforts , from rags to great riches .
19 its really cold , yeah oh that was good , I enjoyed that she 's still there , she 's a Lance Corporal now as well and I must admit well I , I did n't think she 'd ev , she was always crying but I never thought she 'd actually do very well in the T A , did n't seem to have the get up and go about it but she obviously sorted herself out and got , Spambo Man they called me .
20 She ran off screaming but she never pulled faces at us again if Dad was around .
21 He did eighty-two years of caddying and I think he was perhaps the oldest caddie still working before he finally packed it in .
22 How many times have I told you that you should give up smoking but you never listen to what I say .
23 He wandered off when we were n't looking and we never saw him again .
24 When the owner shouts at the cat , instead of simply stopping as it usually does , the cat will massively over-react with one of its mad-panic rushes .
25 He was n't talking as he sometimes did , just for the sake of making a conversational noise .
26 The division of classes , however , goes on increasing and it finally undermines the society in which it had arisen .
27 ‘ Then why ca n't we keep on talking until we finally get through to each other ? ’
28 Her eyes were almost closing when she finally drew up outside the villa .
29 We 'll look at what you 're currently doing and we also suggest to you something that you could be doing .
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