Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Carry on seeing him for the time being .
2 He could n't go on seeing her in the circumstances .
3 Toucans collect them one at a time , throwing them up in the air and deftly catching them at the back of their throats .
4 Turning to Omi , skilfully bringing her into the conversation , and complimenting her on the way the venison had been cooked .
5 He went on pressing it until the starter engine ground to a halt .
6 If Kee , who is far from ignorant in these matters , wanted to go on starving herself for the sake of an old love which is dead and rotting in the ground , well , so be it , that is her business .
7 You should also make a bed on which the flowers can lie from plenty of clean but crumpled tissue paper , also gently tucking it around the sides of the bouquet for added protection .
8 only helping me with the
9 Now the State has already got a problem because in the next century , it will have insufficient people at work to pay for old age pensions we already know Mr Portillo is doing a pension review and is looking about only targeting it to the needy at the bottom well that means a lot of people like you and me will miss out on State pensions .
10 A large carthorse stood drowsily eating something in the grass .
11 She tried to make allowances , constantly reminding herself of the responsibility Nathan was carrying and how long he had been without sleep .
12 It was 'ard enough gettin' it in the first place .
13 Your PC and Creation 6 has more than ample capacity to store all your patterns and is your main storage area , so keeping them in the console memory after they have been used is not only pointless , it is possibly dangerous .
14 These workers regarded themselves as temporarily relieving their parents of the burden of supporting them and perhaps contributing something to the overall family budget .
15 From that time on he improved in leaps and bounds and eventually , after about seven months , I started gingerly walking him around the small paddock next to his box with a bridle and a lunge rein threaded through his bit and over his head .
16 She liked Robert Urquhart and was attracted to him , even trusted him , unlike Spittals who was no doubt gleefully stabbing her in the back at that moment .
17 But he let her go , only cradling her in the circle of his arm .
18 Instead of water lapping the romantic old stone walls of wharves and warehouses , palaces and towers , there is mud — a pallid dark grey mud , littered with the dunnage of long-dispersed cargoes , bits of broken packing cases , carried up with the tide and brought down again , the rusted frames of worn-out bicycles , the pathetic remnants of somebody 's pram , upside down , its upholstery all gone , motionless , futile wheels apparently beseeching something from the air .
19 ‘ Naturally , but I could see that he was merely dismissing them as the ravings of an hysterical woman .
20 He walked into the corridor , tiredness suddenly overcoming him with the prospect of a few hours off , and very nearly knocked Catherine Crane over in his preoccupation .
21 He had released her from his embrace , his hands merely holding her by the upper arms , and she sagged against him , trembling too violently to stand unaided , her knees buckling .
22 An election may also be a realigning one in that it produces a long-term shift in the balance of support between the parties , perhaps installing one as the new majority .
23 The plan was to let him ride Dave Leach 's 400cc machine in the first round of the Superteens last weekend and then move on to Moodie 's Yamaha for the Scot is only riding it at the North West and the TT .
24 I commiserate with my hon. Friend on his misfortune this evening , in finding himself inadvertently supporting us in the Lobby .
25 Places on the workshops are limited so please apply Now by sending your cheque/postal order and the booking form opposite indicating which of the workshops you would like to attend .
26 Gilly could feel Miss Ellis 's fingers on her backbone gently prodding her through the doorway and into the house .
27 and they 're only saying it for the sake of keeping going .
28 I was only doing it for the money . ’
29 He smiled tenderly , and the knowledge that he was only doing it for the benefit of anyone who might be watching sliced deep into the very heart of her .
30 Well this is alright , but we 're only doing it for the beneficiaries int you ?
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