Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Bernice could see Legion 's body splitting into a firework display of multi-coloured fronds , and slowly drawing together into a hairy black ovoid supported by three pipe-cleaner legs .
2 Our friend from the smoke , vigorously lashing away like a cab driver whipping a lazy horse , caught three .
3 Elite performers often launch an attack as soon as the switch-change occurs , suddenly darting forwards with a powerful attack before the opponent has time to re-calculate your distance from him .
4 The only place where this type of sedimentation seems to be going on at the present day is in the ocean depths , where the deposits consist mainly of the remains of minute pelagic organisms , literally raining down from a watery heaven , plus volcanic dust raining down more intermittently from the aerial heaven above .
5 I hurried along keeping close to a wall and waiting for the inevitable mortar burst that would follow in the path of the jeep .
6 Ecosystem was a term proposed by the plant ecologist A.G. Tansley in 1935 as a general term for both the biome which was ‘ the whole complex of organisms — both animals and plants — naturally living together as a sociological unit ’ and for its habitat .
7 ‘ She will be delighted , ’ Alida Thorne said , ‘ she 's so looking forward to a visitor .
8 And then the railway lines themselves , snaking out secretly and backwards and then suddenly fanning out into a thousand arteries of shining black steel leaping through London and beyond to the places you can only imagine , the lines pulsing her brain with the excitement of where they 're going .
9 THESE four happy boys were eagerly looking forward to a fun-filled family Christmas .
10 Mm you basically saving up for a complete system ?
11 It was a pleasant voice , with an undertone of humour , and Alexandra was immediately jealous , envisaging Matthew and his secretary in his office , laughing together , sharing jokes about his work , perhaps going out for a quick meal before they both went home .
12 There was still enough money and enough going on for a ‘ hot ’ property like Nicholson to walk in and begin making fortunes immediately .
13 ‘ We 're only going away for a weekend , for heaven 's sake !
14 Cos we 're only going away for a weekend then are n't we ?
15 ‘ Interesting point ! ’ remarked Morse , suddenly turning again to a now distinctly uncomfortable-looking Stratton .
16 ‘ They were apparently going away for a long weekend vacation .
17 I was aware of the fact that there had been what seemed like 20 people working in the office and then it was suddenly dwindling down to a skeleton staff .
18 He said Libya was not being ‘ stubborn ’ , but merely holding out for an honourable solution to the crisis .
19 It has been suggested , however , that there are different strategies at work for adults and children , the former requiring more formal language learning situations and perhaps benefiting more from a grammatical approach ( Krashen and Seliger , 1975 ) .
20 Ah sure he 's only staying out for a while till he gets married and that .
21 People become vulnerable : they feel very thin-skinned ; over-sensitive and self-pitying ; moody and unpredictable , with a cheerfulness that is transparent and brittle ; they may become tearful , perhaps breaking down over an item of television news or for no apparent reason at all .
22 Only in the former case , where the plasma is in equilibrium , its particles randomly moving around with a distribution of energies , does the concept of ‘ temperature ’ have a true meaning and the possibility of sustained thermo -nuclear fusion exist .
23 Well they had a particularly bad time many of them lost absolutely everything and now they 're protesting cos the Lloyds people are only coming up with a nine hundred million pound rescue package that might give them some of them back half of what they invested .
24 high I 'm only coming out with a ten flush , pair of aces , and a pair of eights would have been mine whichever way you played it .
25 However , Ballyclare 's Geoff McBride pushed him all the way , only losing out by a quarter of a machine 's length at the chequered flag after having sat on Menary 's rear bumper for the complete race .
26 He of friends , and I thought well , when we 're going into this , you know , he 's obviously coming in as a colleague , because actually he was a member of the same damn union .
27 I kept the boost up as long as I could ; then , when I felt it start to go , relaxed , and went back to merely running fast for a while .
28 Sir , we are obviously dealing here with a new settlement of ve very extensive land take , I think that the there are certainly been quite a There 's been a lot of detailed work done by the various erm protagonists around around the table today about agricultural land quality .
29 The bar was crowded with men coming off shift from the electronics factory all arguing heatedly about a disputed penalty in a soccer match being shown on a T.V. set above the counter , the fact that the match had taken place two months before in no way diminishing the fervour of the argument .
30 The rock is a unique form of conglomerate , so warming up on a few practice routes was needed to get a feel for it .
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