Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [pers pn] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Yet with its residual gentility , its variegated forest of a garden where we had practical botany lessons , and the original Victorian mansion building with its labyrinth of poky rooms and winding staircases , it must have seemed that the convent was an accidental inheritance , never really meant for us , and thereby reminding us that we had come into our own ; we had by right something more than had once been intended for us .
2 he was right at the height of his Anthony Newley hang-up , so one problem was constantly reminding him that he sounded like Anthony Newley and trying to ‘ de-Newleyfy ’ him if you could .
3 Yet all the time gently showing him that there was another way .
4 I was only telling you that I 'm going to be busy , and would n't make a good companion for you . ’
5 just having me that we manage fine .
6 No , you 're not telling me that she did that !
7 ‘ I was just telling you that I reckon it was a good idea — to wait a day before going back to New York , ’ Carole repeated , smiling to herself at the other girl 's slightly abstracted expression .
8 This Christian Socialist , dedicated to equal shares and to soaking the rich ( who included his own family ) , was accepted and frostily admired as an incorruptible thorn in the nation 's conscience , forever reminding them that there was no jam today and they could only expect some tomorrow if they had earned it .
9 The King was bluntly informing him that he was ill pleased at the lack of progress Corbett was making .
10 Mr. Sutton was a nice old gentleman — looked distinguished with his white hair and small white beard , a stickler for accuracy and forever telling me that my father had been one of his pupils .
11 His mother was always telling him that it was important for teachers to give , although what they were supposed to give she did not say .
12 You 're always telling me that I should have got a job on the railways .
13 They 're always telling us that it 's a paradise for women , ’ said Lord Burdon .
14 Richards follows Buchanan in wisely reminding us that there is no simple , sure-all solution .
15 Imagine the situation where employers are now obliged to notify employee members of that rise in contribution and also reminding them that they have the right to withdraw their authorization .
16 ‘ I was always frightened of the way I felt , I think because I knew without really understanding it that you could … you could own me , Luke .
17 Indeed , it did n't seem quite impossible even to me , as he seemed to have reached a kind of plateau — no better but certainly no worse , free of pain and very happy — often informing me that he was getting stronger every day .
18 The same realization came to the King , pushed towards his precipice by Hardinge harshly telling him that he could not go on without a decision .
19 It 'll be a very , could be a very vague letter just say you remember we wrote to you some time ago that your plan was in arrears , we 've never had this money and we 're now notifying you that we 're gon na collect the arrears on your ne c payment .
20 I mean , that I should be sitting here telling you that you 've got a passionate nature , within ten minutes of meeting you … !
21 , but erm , and I notice that quite often the shelves would be half empty , came here , I would stop on the way back from the school the bank and the butcher 's and the paper shop over the road I could come in quarter to nine and I 'm , you know , I , I was done and I said to my Arnold they 're not going to sell much unless they put some money into filling the shelves surely Spa will back them , and he said I keep on telling them that I keep on saying to them if you do n't put the goods there on display people are going to go over the road to Lipton 's and and
22 As I made these suggestions to her , I was continually reminding her that she was feeling very relaxed and comfortable and that she was in complete control of the situation and need do nothing ( even in her imagination ) that she did not choose to .
23 ‘ I heard you go to her room — after so cleverly reassuring me that she was going nowhere . ’
24 ‘ Are you seriously telling me that you thought I proposed to you this morning ?
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