Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] that [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I only know that you do !
2 I only know that I did n't . "
3 ( I am not arguing that the Americans do not themselves engage in all manner of protectionist devices , but merely note that they do at least have an intrinsic belief in the benefits of Adam Smith 's hidden hand , a view which is not wholly shared on the Continent of Europe . )
4 Right so you 're only ask that you did n't underline and that your illustrations could be better as well and the handwriting is a bit spidery , right , good , brave , right , go on
5 By that I do n't mean he could n't have been responsible for their deaths , I just mean that I do n't think he 's on speaking terms with his conscience .
6 Just say that you do n't want to do it . ’
7 Of course , if he looks dodgy then do n't stop in the first place ; just say that you do n't carry a watch .
8 Though , just for the record , I would n't have tried to do anything of the sort if it were n't patently clear that you do n't feel anything lasting for your fiancé . ’
9 Leaders and officials of parties other than the NPN nevertheless complain that it does not give them fair treatment .
10 obviously , that erm , I just think that I do n't know , it , it 's very different from .
11 I have heard several organisations talking about the magic million , but as soon as you probe deeper , you soon discover that they do n't have the expertise or the infrastructure to collect anything like this sum .
12 Erm now erm a number of people erm , getting on t back on to the handout for a moment , er a number of people who 've reported being b abused as children also report that they do try and tell people , either at the time or shortly afterwards , and this business of not being believed is quite a common report from survivors , not being believed at first .
13 ‘ You probably imagine that I do n't .
14 It seems that we now have serial correlation in our model as a result of including the dummy right , now we 've got to test statistic , I mean always look at the F version of the test , right , er our F statistic of three point seven six is significantly different from zero , right , that leaves seven percent level , so a five percent test we probably accept that we did n't have any serial correlations and we just got there by the skin of our teeth on that particular test erm yes , you could probably get away with this one , functional forms fine , no problem there , hetero skilasticity right , are F statistic three point nine but significantly different from zero that 's six percent level , right , so again we just scrape it if we were looking at the ninety five percent confidence it wants to be five percent if you are using as five percent significance level .
15 Please also remember that it does not all end this evening .
16 I hereby move that we do similarly .
17 Women who expressly state that they do not consent to intercourse may nevertheless be considered to consent to it .
18 Too many of us now say that they did n't know what was going on , and that they were long opposed to what was happening .
19 On the other , members often say that they do n't feel involved ; that committees do all the work without reference to them .
20 no offence meant and I I really hope that you do not take offence in that way .
21 With regard to Guy 's , we now know that they do more and are a success .
22 I now know that you do n't win at this level unless you sweat blood and tears . ’
23 An example of such a statement might be , " For me life simply has no meaning " , or , " Even when I am enjoying myself I often feel that I do n't belong " .
24 Does the Prime Minister agree that the statement by Terry Waite 's captors that they now recognise that they did wrong and that what they did has served no useful purpose should be understood by all those who engage in the vile practice of taking hostages , anywhere ?
25 Indeed , we often think that it does not figure at all on the Government 's agenda .
26 The main idea is to draw the house from the outside in , a task that at first appears quite daunting , but , once you 've worked through the tutorial files ( which I heartily recommend that you do ) it 's actually relatively straightforward .
27 The chief executive and British Rail generally reportedly say that they do not see themselves as being in the business of transporting goods that need to be moved fast .
28 I am not sure who is more demoralised by that — the local people , who frequently complain that they do not get a quick response when they need help , or the local police , who attend the crime in an attempt to do the good job that they intended when they entered the police force , knowing that they are likely to be pulled in all directions to answer calls on a blue line that has been pulled far too thin by the Government 's demands .
29 Please ensure that you do read this section — some requirements or recommendations may have changed since your last installation or upgrade .
30 If feeding beef and fish pieces ( to any piscivore , not just these ) please remember that they do not contain the calcium and other minerals found in the bones of their natural diets and therefore it is essential to provide prawns or feeder shrimps fairly regularly .
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