Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] i do [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Thankfully God knows my limitations — I only hope I do too !
2 I just hope I do n't get sued ! ’
3 ‘ But I 'm determined to show they were wrong — I just hope I do n't have a stinker ! ’
4 so erm yeah just hope I do n't get ill between now and round about July I think it 'll all be over
5 You already know I do n't have anything to tell you . ’
6 ‘ But when I 'm already awake I do n't have the heart to wake him . ’
7 yeah , I always think I do n't care if
8 If that is n't genocide I do n't know what is .
9 He spreads gossip faster than a travelling minstrel , and too many people here know I do n't possess a wife — yet . ’
10 Yeah and then say I do n't want it
11 One of the things that does strike me about er particularly heterosexual men and their attitudes to homosexual and y'know homo erotic activities , there 's y'know a lot of different aspects where y'know I do n't know rugby players all get in the shower together and smack each-other on the backside in the name of horse play and y'know it 's not considered threatening or erm or outrageous and yet sometimes these are the very people who are the most homophobic .
12 Erm so er yeah erm again y'know I do n't have any particular c quarrels with the wordings or the the content of the items .
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