Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] it [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So erm so give it a go anyway and see what happens erm and it 's no great hardship to have to y'know kind of do it in two or more sets I would n't have thought y'know it 'll it 'll probably still work .
2 Thus , to make the whole hard disk open for others to read , the owner would publish the root directory ( C : \ ) and perhaps give it a name ( eg.
3 because you see I only use it a tankful once a day when I have a bath in the morning have a bath at night as well .
4 And to think that in the West they merely call it the Wall .
5 So leave it a fortnight and then we 've got ta pay ours so then you can sort yours out .
6 To come back on something that Mr said and perhaps take it a stage further .
7 This would mean that Christ was declaring himself to be a thief , for in Zanaki land thieves generally make it a practice to knock on the door of a hut which they hope to burglarise , and if they hear any movement inside , they dash off into the dark .
8 the , Russ ' erm , done , well he 's already got a wall , just make it a bit bigger , an existing wall just taking it around the back so gon na do that in the summer I 'll erm , well in the spring , yeah gives er a bit , a bit of a practice
9 I just consider it a privilege to be answering the phones and sometimes to help people .
10 Just give it a couple of weeks and it 'll look just like his haircut !
11 need to know , need to know , I do n't know mum , I could n't tell you just erm stick it on before you go to bed just give it a bit of time to take the chill of it , alright , bye You can if you wish discard everything that 's just been said I mean my mother 's trying to book my holiday which does n't surprise me , , but then again she usually tries to anyway , where you going ? , what you doing ? , who you going with ? right , I shall tell you now the exam questions shall I ? , what do you want to know ?
12 Just give it a bit of a paint and it 'll be well away .
13 Yeah slow give it an hour and a half in a slow oven .
14 Just tell it the way it happened and try not to get sidetracked , ’ said Melissa , thinking that this could take a long time .
15 And they also just tell it the flavour they fancy do n't they ?
16 I mean I get a few things in every week that , you know that you need , that you know er I go out on Monday and get everything else for the week like washing powder , and that sort of thing but u for food , I just get it every day .
17 might say well just do it the end of the year .
18 We normally take it a bit slower .
19 Early April in the Hebrides can be wild , but we always make it a rule that , if we have decided to go , then we go , regardless of weather conditions .
20 To protect your bike , always lock it every time you leave it , even if it 's only for a few minutes .
21 ‘ I always do it every year , ’ she 'd replied rather snappishly .
22 The separation of the legal system from direct political control , and its apparent operation in a dispassionate rational — legal mode also make it an aspect of the fragmentation of the state which requires the most explanation .
23 You know probably make it a bit easier , but it 's not .
24 The difficulties that many girls and boys have in talking to parents about sex and contraception often make it a subject to be mutually avoided .
25 Now hold it a minute , ’ I said , holding my hands up .
26 Non , neutral , neuter now give it a chance to cook
27 As an arthritis sufferer I often find it a strain using the latch tool for casting off .
28 and she said well make it a month instead of two cos it was a bit
29 Yeah , well give it a try , give it a try .
30 Well give it a go , I mean a monologue is a monologue , they 're not saying a Welsh monologue are they ?
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