Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [adj] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Whenever you hear one of these figures you are on track , so make sure then that your heading is correct .
2 Adult drake unmistakable , being only waterfowl white above and black below ; also has crown and tail black , back of head pale green and breast pale pink .
3 But he was singing ; people only do that either if they are drunk or if they are trying to collect some money , in which case they will sing and sing all day , having no other means of getting it .
4 Packages were expensive — in excess of £30,000 in 1982 terms — and in some cases did not offer on-line data entry facilities and were not cost justifiable particularly as all the facilities would not be required .
5 Just put that on so you can proposing and seconding .
6 So I just put this forward as something to , perhaps to , to interest you .
7 and just put the bread in as well if the baker 's been , would you and see if the milk 's been left as well and just pop that in as well
8 Just keep that on until that 's all .
9 The action of eye-closing , normally regarded as voluntary , has thus become split off or ‘ dissociated ’ from voluntary control .
10 stew vegetables and you just shove those in and that 's it
11 Take away one twelfth okay just write that down that you 've got to take away the one twelfth .
12 The open night sky had not yet cooled the air , they were sweating , yet they still lay close together and the soft milk-and-blood smell of her breasts soothed his nostrils .
13 Thank you , I mean , we 'll turn this off put that on when we get to near the check out shall we ?
14 Cos I always take that off because it 's all brass the er
15 Say , I sure feel safer now that Jimmie Joe Jackson is out of business , Brunt . ’
16 See also exercise 2 below and exercise 3.11.1 .
17 If you also take that away and you also take away land which is already covered by settlement , I would suggest that you 're left with very little and so what 's the strategic gap ?
18 The water-based ones are quite easy to apply and dry quickly but they often look patchy afterwards unless you finish off with a water-based varnish instead of the usual oil-based polyurethane .
19 Children , remarkably , often understand this better than many adults .
20 Ministers , both presbyterian and Church of Ireland , suffer similar pressures in many other local communities , except that they often stay silent rather than risk conflict , personal hardship , or violence .
21 This is well demonstrated by Gumperz ( 1982 : 85 ) in discussing an earlier study of Hindi and Punjabi used by college students in Delhi ( Gumperz 1971 ) : " The two codes here appear indistinguishable phonetically and almost identical in both syntax and lexicon .
22 Come here put these on and listen to your voice , talk , talk
23 Please read this carefully and make sure you are adequately covered , as no cancellation of insurance can be made later than 10 days after receipt of the synopsis .
24 And so we might well Express these then or even send erm
25 So , please check this out before you use any as bait , otherwise the carp may suffer and even die due to uncooked particles swelling in their stomachs .
26 The paradox is that argumentative positions sometimes become justified only when they are criticized ( Billig , 1987a ) .
27 and then you do , then miss that out before you do the total
28 It would be possible to specify the time of an utterance as stretching between say 9.33 a.m. and 9.34 a.m. on 5 June 1961 , specifying the utterance in terms of clock and calendar time , good standard systems .
29 AS POST-DINOSAUR Jr popthrash becomes increasingly stuck in a rut of adolescent whining and indolence , it comes as a refreshing change to find a band who actually appear angry rather than mildly upset with their lot .
30 Some never query that sooner or later they will have a child or several children .
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