Example sentences of "[adv] [det] than [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Not only are there few people in the Highlands and Islands , but they are much fewer than in the past ( see Appendix 2 ) .
2 Although the variety of brachiopods in the Jurassic and Cretaceous is somewhat less than in the Palaeozoic , they are still very abundant and varied fossils .
3 Eventually , during my evolutionary wanderings through Biomorph Land — the sense of triumph was scarcely less than on the first occasion — I finally cornered them again .
4 [ 7.1 ] If the Lease is completed rent shall be payable in accordance with the terms of the Lease with effect from the Rent Commencement Date [ [ 7.2 ] The Tenant shall commence trading from the Premises not more than after the Completion Date ] It is important to ascertain if any rent free period is to include not only the rack rent but also service charges and/or insurance premiums .
5 This is noticeably more than in the previous European series from Nottingham ( 14/100000/year ) , Bristol ( 7/ 100000/year ) , Göttingen ( 21/100000/year ) , Glasgow ( 15/100000/year ) , Copenhagen ( 28/ 100000/year ) , and even more than in the previous survey from Western Australia ( 60/ 100000/year ) .
6 In this low undergrowth their disorganized progress and uneven , differing rhythms of movement delayed them still more than in the wood .
7 Housing officers , too , will provide important links between some parts of a local community and its schools but notably less than in the period before the privatization of subsidized housing .
8 The officer 's undress headgear was a dark blue visored forage cap of ‘ pill-box ’ shape : ‘ … the diameter at the top slightly less than at the base , the height 3¼ inches all round ; …
9 Not that you and I ever worried about the fleshpots anyway , though we 've probably both learned to appreciate them a little more than in the tranquil days before the war …
10 It is certainly the case that crime rates in socialist countries are far less than in the USA and other capitalist societies .
11 Because of rotation and the fact that promotion of a subordinate is not threatening to the status of a superordinate , internal managerial competition is far less than in the Weberian bureaucracy .
12 Apart from the UK , which has begun to deregulate the airline industry , all continental airlines pay workers substantially more than in the United States , even though countries like Spain and Portugal have much lower living standards in general .
13 And this , far more than in the past , will determine the legality or illegality of the action .
14 With that in mind , will he assure the House that he will try to integrate training between reserve forces and regulars far more than in the past ?
15 It also saw one very important new development ; its extension far more than in the past to bind Europe to other continents .
16 Three years later the introduction of a new registration system for despatches and telegrams played a crucial role in changing the position of the more senior officials , the first-division clerks , and giving them , far more than in the past , a share in policy-making .
17 There was always such a lot of scope in hospitals , certainly far more than in the Army sick room .
18 The scientific committee had itself recommended an option calling for as much logging as could be carried out in compliance with US environmental laws , far more than in the option chosen by the President .
19 Barrow admits his new job occupies his mind far more than in the past .
20 You were n't more than from the hall you were about six foot to the door to the master bedroom .
21 Even more than in the 1930s , the TUC were imprisoned within constraints imposed on it by a capitalist wage-structure : the TUC argued strongly for adequate pensions ( denying , for example , that an old person needed less to eat ) ; but if this was to be implemented without encouraging further wage-cuts to elderly workers , then it appeared to them inevitable that a retirement condition must be introduced .
22 Perhaps even more than in the case of energising Anglican evangelical clergymen like William Marsh , in the ranks of evangelical nonconformity the powerful leadership of some ministers shaped the attitudes of chapel communities and led them into collaboration across denominational and church/chapel lines .
23 In the 1930s and the 1950s over 96 per cent of births were legitimate , even more than in the ‘ good old days ’ of Victorian Britain — and without its high levels of infanticide and unregistered births .
24 Even more than in the earlier conflict , direct vetting of journalists ' copy and reliance on allied debriefings ensure that military priorities squeeze out alternative perspectives and agendas .
25 Even more than in the case of war , political sociologists have tended to neglect the more subtle , less blatant influences which affect political change .
26 This is noticeably more than in the previous European series from Nottingham ( 14/100000/year ) , Bristol ( 7/ 100000/year ) , Göttingen ( 21/100000/year ) , Glasgow ( 15/100000/year ) , Copenhagen ( 28/ 100000/year ) , and even more than in the previous survey from Western Australia ( 60/ 100000/year ) .
27 Even less than with the designation of the polytechnics was the CNAA in the 1970s confronting a policy-driven situation .
28 Advertising has reached , we believe , a quite remarkable development in the 1980s , and perhaps nowhere more than in the United Kingdom .
29 Nowhere more than in the repeal movement was the link between philanthropic work and an emergent feminist discourse more clearly visible .
30 Gap junctions in the patients with gastric ulcer were significantly fewer than in the healthy volunteers .
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