Example sentences of "[adv] [det] will [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Now if you 're you 're you 're obviously that will not tell us very much about your selling .
2 Obviously this will not do , for pain is itself a sensation , not something of which one is aware through a sensation .
3 They have less than £3,000 savings so this will not affect their rebate .
4 However , the likelihood is that processing and seeking will be entirely overlapped so this will not hold up the overall run very seriously .
5 Hopefully this will not stop the Germans ( nor the Norwegians ) from making beer the way it should be made — naturally .
6 If the engine has exhaust valve seats of suitable material , as fitted in Rover V8 and 2.5 litre petrol engines , then this will not happen .
7 Then this will not happen as we know , a transport working group is going to be er a controversial area where it will cease to be the operation that we have had in the past from the county .
8 Yet this will not rule out our taking seriously the ‘ preferences ’ of animals themselves ( using the term in the sense of the attenuated language-game proper to them ) .
9 A warning message will be displayed if the Package version has not been approved however this will not prevent registration .
10 Councillor Magnus Flaws added : ‘ I can not see any reason why this will not work this time . ’
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