Example sentences of "[adv] [det] people [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps some people would say that my own driving makes that obvious . ’
2 However much some people may groan , that is the way in which Bir Zeit was being used , and that is why it was closed .
3 So some people might say perhaps perversely that it th it has achieved its desired effect , it 's toughened you up .
4 And there 's this attitude that goes along , so some people will say ‘ Oh I 'll take stats ’ , y'know , ‘ regardless of whether I personally think [ they ] ought to be taken . ’
5 If only these people would adopt real democracy and the unfettered free market , this place could be as prosperous as Southampton .
6 If only these people could read up a little on the subject in a good book or magazine , they would avoid most of the basic mistakes and begin to enjoy the hobby to the full .
7 The nest-making was so sentimental and full of love and happiness that I thought if only all people could see it — then they might learn respect and beauty from these enchanting birds .
8 That is being done , so many people may turn up on our doorsteps not with their tanks but with their suitcases .
9 He does not entirely explain how so many people could lift off so quickly into the deal-making stratosphere .
10 And as much as none of us would like that , I feel it may be , you know , it may , it will be something that will be over very quickly , er the only worry of course is that so many people will get hurt , but if that 's the way to end it all then perhaps that 's what should be done .
11 On this issue therefore , I find it curious that so many people can become excited at the humanitarianism of the young Marx while choosing at the same time to ignore the inhumanity of the more mature Marx .
12 Critics fear tomorrows changes in community care will mean some councils cope better than others in providing a service , so more people will slip through the net .
13 If only more people could meet him and see how nice he is , say his managers , we would win easily .
14 Er , I sorry , , just clearing my throat , er , I did , I did delegate if somebody put it on the end of somebody 's assignment , then I to it , but I tend to find I underestimate what people can do for me all the time , and do n't identify just how much those people can give me back , and I did , or I do have a tendency at times to give people like before , to hold on too much , try and do too much myself , and er , you ca n't do it that way in case .
15 I 'm not sure she does n't have a funny idea that if she waits long enough people will drift back again , perhaps even Durance .
16 The system of single payments available to help people on supplementary benefit with specific needs was replaced by a much more limited system , in which all most people could get were loans .
17 For that reason alone most people will find something on offer .
18 After finding no takers for the painting at £4 million , Lady Cook consigned the painting to Christie 's for sale in April 1989 acting against the advice of her advisor Stephen Somerville , who cautioned that the powerful subject might be too strong for the average clientele ( ‘ Not many people would want an expensive picture of a man with a noose around his neck ’ , said one prominent member of the Old Master community , ‘ unless , of course , they 're into bondage ’ ) .
19 We had trips in those days that took as long as three months which not many people would undertake now .
20 Do n't let me kid you , it 's very , very hard grind and not many people would do it .
21 Lewis 's debate in the Preface with other Milton critics — with Saurat , Eliot , I. A. Richards or Leavis — all seems pretty dead to us now , since not many people would read any of the aforementioned critics nowadays as critics unless they were interested in the history of criticism for its own sake .
22 Not many people can cook a three-course meal and lecture at the same time , but Dr Peter Barham can and he does it brilliantly .
23 For example , many people have four weeks ' holiday a year , but not many people can take that four weeks all in one go , there are usually restrictions that you can only take maybe a maximum of two weeks .
24 NOT many people can claim to own a lifeboat , but one Donaghadee man can .
25 Oh that 's it , that 's why they 're coming down , that 's why are quite pleased to see us dear , especially at this time of the year , not many people will buy Christmas time , think oh we 'll wait and go and get Christmas over and the spring and
26 Not many people will complete the route in fewer than 12 days , so trying to fit the walk into a two-week holiday is pushing your luck — you must make allowances for delays and for time spent on the island getting to and from the start and finish .
27 The Conservative emphasis on incentives , initiative and the spirit of enterprise may well improve average living standards , but there is a danger that not all people will participate in the general prosperity .
28 Although working people are now more likely to be contributing to an occupational or personal pension , even in future years not all people will have been able to accumulate sufficient provision to support themselves in retirement — for example those people who have not worked for many years because they were unemployed or disabled or caring for relatives .
29 ‘ I think the patience of the world is getting stretched — possibly some people would say already beyond the point of endurance , ’ Lord Owen told reporters .
30 Probably few people would adhere strictly to Comte 's scheme nowadays if it was presented to them in its original form , but nevertheless it does still seem to underpin the structure of first degree courses in the main natural sciences ( physics , chemistry , biochemistry , biology ) and the typical faculty demarcation between the natural and the social sciences .
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