Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] when i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It was as if The Wedding Present only formed when I joined , which was nice in a way , ’ says Charman .
2 ‘ I was so suprised when I got the letter telling me about the award that I burst into tears , ’ says Joan , a widow .
3 However , my sense of superiority was soon punctured when I gave a paper on semantics at the Philological Society , where my views met with scepticism and some hostility .
4 He had not woken when I returned from my meal at two .
5 In a couple of months , they will be moving to larger premises , which Walker had just found when I visited him .
6 " My husband just crumbled when I felt it was me that needed to crumble and somebody to help me .
7 The hung from the rafters and hardly stirred when I walked beneath .
8 ‘ You were right , ’ he admitted , ‘ but I was whoolly riled when I heard what you thought on her . ’
9 Cos I wa , I was directly involved when I did a hell of a lot of work for Marconis , they sent me up to Glenrossi 's cos they got a micro er , electronics factory up there doing micro-chips , and one of the big coal mines up there had just been closed down and they said well , there 's no doubt about it , you know wha what we got ta do is re-train the miners !
10 In the state of affairs that still obtained when I entered the profession in 1959 the grammar school teacher and the university teacher of English were not radically different kinds of person ; indeed , contingent or accidental factors might have determined which career path was followed .
11 Why had she nearly fainted when I had told her about the letter ?
12 But that probably stopped when I started going in did n't it ?
13 My voice had nearly gone when I tried to order a brandy .
14 This has also happened when I have fed the fish .
15 what I most often heard when I phoned people a couple of days in was that it 's been the worst two days of my life !
16 " Yes , the tide had just about turned when I got there .
17 I WAS really gobsmacked when I saw your picture of a catwalk model parading a hat with a toy airplane on it .
18 ‘ But I was really transformed when I went to Australia .
19 I am often congratulated when I draw a map for someone of how to reach somewhere
20 ‘ Lester was most touched when I delivered the personal message , ’ Mr Grice said last night .
21 ‘ I was profoundly unnerved when I read the screenplay ; quite shaking with fear and disturbance .
22 Yeah , I had old Rosie here done when I got out .
23 That afternoon the wheelbarrow even stuck when I pulled it off the road for a break .
24 I am becoming increasingly agitated when I read articles like the one entitled ‘ In the Dock ’ ( January 1992 , page 44 ) in which the foul play of individual French players in the domestic league was highlighted .
25 Deee-Lite seem a little offended when I ask whether they were n't worried whether the DJs would n't like their new songs .
26 My memory was vaguely stirred when I saw the authors ' name .
27 No. 4 Commando positions were being heavily mortared when I arrived , and Jock , my friend of many years ago , took me off to find some shelter in a dug-out , giving at least some protection from the flying shrapnel .
28 He had barely answered when I explained what had happened .
29 It would be an exaggeration to say I suffered from morning sickness , but my suspicions were certainly aroused when I began to feel a little queasy in the early part of the day .
30 I found it extremely satisfying , which was something I never found when I worked in an office …
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