Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] by some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Though agreed between the parties , these proposals were bitterly attacked by some Conservatives as destroying the traditional upper House and by a few Labour members as creating a large new area of patronage for the Prime Minister .
2 The report , undertaken by independent scientists at the request of the International Atomic Energy Agency and other UN bodies , has been fiercely criticized by some environmentalists and also by officials in the Ukraine and Belorussia — the regions worst affected by the accident .
3 Bill says it was apparently done by some lunatic for reasons unknown , but he wants to know if you have any information about it that he does n't have . ’
4 Nevertheless , a radical editorial reorganization called the Bradshaw shift , involving the moving of fragment VII as one large block back to the end of fragment II , with these fragments then relabelled groups B2 and B1 respectively , has been eagerly accepted by some editors and critics since the nineteenth century , wishing to solve thereby certain anomalies in the ordering of named places that the pilgrims would pass on their road to Canterbury .
5 Ludens had sounded so moved , so stirred by some emotion .
6 These thinking qualities are retained long after the catalogue of facts , so long over-valued by some teachers , has been forgotten .
7 As Tate remarked austerely , ‘ His Eliabethanism has indubitably been too ingenuously appraised by some critics ’ .
8 Preferably by retaining the two-thirds majority , but at least ensuring as my Noble Friend Lord has suggested , a clear majority and I myself will go on reiterating the principle , enunciated by Professor in the er and also much commended by some elements in the Conservative Party and he said you can not have real effective democracy without real effective local self government , and he said that in the light of his experiences in pre-war Germany .
9 It was quite a gift , but he had no vanity ; they were short and suitable and much admired by some people .
10 What we would be looking for from you is a talk of some 15–20 minutes duration outlining what can be done for public transport by traffic management techniques and perhaps illustrated by some Lothian examples , together with a willingness to answer any questions which may be put to you .
11 In parts of Britain , particularly in parts of Wales , second home ownership has been fiercely contested by some locals , but it is hard to judge whether such opposition is justified .
12 Since the late 1960s , deaths from heart disease in the UK have only declined by some 10% for men and some 2% for women as compared with Canada and the USA which have achieved reductions of some 40% and 50% respectively [ 3 ] .
13 It may be surprising , but when a cat brings a live mouse to her kittens — perhaps for them to first play with and then kill , or perhaps so that she can kill it while they watch — this is not considered by some experts to be a form of teaching .
14 The first ornamental ware to be developed by Josiah Wedgwood in 1768 was Black Basalt , a result of many experiments to improve the rather crude ‘ Egyptian Black ’ wares already made by some Staffordshire potters .
15 Regarded as more independent of the President than Akbulut had been , his appointment as Prime Minister was nevertheless interpreted by some observers as an attempt by Özal to boost the influence within the ANAP of a secular , liberal tendency against that of the Islamic fundamentalists .
16 The circular gave formal acknowledgement to a practice already employed by some authorities and which continued thereafter to be ignored by others .
17 Descriptors are normally accompanied by some display of relationships between them and other words in the indexing language .
18 Although timbers with high levels of latex , silica or high density are avoided there ; another plant in New Guinea can now utilize wood from up to 200 species , including dead and defective trees , so that yields have already increased by some 300% .
19 A compulsory annual refresher course — in-house courses already run by some companies could be eligible — will overcome that , he adds .
20 However , to my bewilderment , I found that the argument in favour of tobacco sponsorship was not put by some fruitcake from the tobacco industry 's front organisations , but by the general secretary of the Central Council of Physical Recreation , Mr. Peter Lawson .
21 Steps already taken by some manufacturers to phase out animal testing were welcome , as was the EC 's encouragement for the development of alternative tests .
22 It has been suggested on the basis of short periods of observation that sleep depresses colonic motility , but this was not confirmed by some authors , and others noted a wide variability of rectosigmoid motor activity during sleep .
23 The numbers in each year are progressively multiplied by some survival ratio to forecast the number going on to the next year , with ancillary information added in as appropriate .
24 The early chapters of Genesis were once regarded by some Christians as an embarrassment .
25 Expansion of the work of the Court of Protection is favoured but if this is not thought appropriate then some form of locally accessible tribunal or court to exercise supervision , possibly supplemented by some form of guardianship , is considered desirable .
26 Emergency portosystemic shunting is still recommended by some centres as the most effective therapy for bleeding while others prefer staple gun transection of the oesophagus which is the safer technique for the less experienced surgeon .
27 Leave large margins at the top and bottom of pages , preferably separated by some device such as a rule to draw the eye into the page .
28 The term ‘ AIDS-related complex ’ or ARC is still used by some doctors for HIV-related illness which does not meet the AIDS definition .
29 In fact , there , that that , that 's that printing of s , that shape of s , followed by a t , was still used by some printers right up until the twentieth century , because it 's actually , you know that when when prints , print was put together by hand , by picking up each letter erm , and as assembling it separately , there was actually always a stop letter , a stop erm , I ca n't remember what it 's called , although I did some printing years ago , erm , lump a die thing with s t already printed together , because because s t is used so much in combination , the erm , printer did n't always have to set up s followed by a t , but had a rack of s t's already prepared and they were often , virtually joined together in this way , and erm , I got , I got an edition of I think it 's the novels of Jane Austen printed in the nineteen twenties which still use that shape of s t but used as the small s for any other forms .
30 Bismuth is still used by some practitioners as an adjunct to penicillin therapy , but in most centres the advent of penicillin and other antibiotics has , at long last , brought an end to the many centuries during which the treatment of syphilis was worse than the disease itself .
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