Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] in [det] case " in BNC.

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1 This is particularly so when it is remembered that certificates are only granted in those cases where there are reasonable grounds for taking action .
2 The standard use of Senokot together with behaviour management is not necessarily indicated in all cases .
3 ( Tests to determine the existence of a trade secret were naturally discussed in this case . )
4 I was warmly welcomed in all cases and an enthusiastic and positive attitude prevailed although mixed with understandable anxiety concerning the radical changes proposed .
5 In those countries which have generally been regarded as well-established democracies , manhood suffrage was only achieved in most cases between the end of the nineteenth century and the First World War , while the attainment of universal and equal suffrage came still later ( in Germany in 1919 , Sweden in 1920 , France in 1945 , Britain in 1948 ) while in most of the rest of the world universal suffrage , where it was introduced at all , came only after the end of the Second World War .
6 The legends are screen-printed on , that 's one better than stick-on , but so badly done in some cases that it 's a toss up as to which is the worst method !
7 The European Commission yesterday duly called for total deregulation of telephone service in the European Community by 1998 and asked telecommunications ministers to endorse that goal at their Council of Ministers on May 10 : the UK is the only European Community country where the body responsible for installing phones and running the service has been forced to make room for a competitor , but national territorial monopolies were not suited to the needs of a single Community market and technological advances meant they were no longer justified in any case , the Commission said ; Industry Commissioner Martin Bangemann said the Commission would soon produce another paper on whether development of telephone networks should also be dealt with under a free market system , adding that the Commission believed companies from outside the Community should be free to reap the benefits of deregulation as long as EC firms were able to do likewise on those firms ' home territory ; but the Commission pulled back from recommending that large companies be free to lease spare capacity on the networks of utilities such as gas from the start of next year .
8 The applicant in the Fleet Street Casuals case was itself a representative of the interests of its members : as a company it really had no interest independent of that of its members ; but the issue of representative standing was not considered in that case .
9 The delay in diagnosis was because even the possibility of coeliac disease was not considered in these cases and this prolonged patient misery and uncertainty .
10 Having lived with the passage for years , I am persuaded that it represents — based , as it plainly is , on Aeneid 1 , 341ff. , and 4 — a response to veteris vestigia flammae drastically at odds with Hardy 's response ( which , as we have seen , Pound had apparently not noticed in any case ) .
11 NOESY distance constraints were not imposed in these cases since they contribute little towards the determination of the dodecamer conformation once the sugar puckers have been fixed .
12 The second common mistake ( not made in this case ) is to impose a sentence for an either way offence for which the offender has been committed under Criminal Justice Act 1967 , s.S6 a sentence in excess of six months ' imprisonment , which is possible if the offender is committed for the same offence under Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 , s.38 .
13 It was not the written disclaimer but the understanding between the buyer and seller which meant that the false trade description was not applied in this case .
14 That was not done in this case and as a result this matter comes on for appeal with only three weeks of a two-and-a-half month order to run .
15 Such integration effects were also seen using the Short construct plus or minus the X and Y box , as the phenotype of interest ( thymic expression ) was not seen in all cases ( 46 ) .
16 In addition , a build-up of plaque is a common cause of bad breath , known technically as halitosis , which is unpleasant and easily prevented in this case .
17 While not inviting the Board to adopt in regard to Zaidie and Matadial a rule such as that which applies to accomplices , the alleged victims of sexual assaults and young children , the defendant submitted that there was an obligation ( not performed in this case ) to advise the jury to proceed with caution where there was material to suggest that the evidence of the witnesses might be tainted by an improper motive .
18 This procedure obviously was not followed in this case and Turning Point is looking into what happened . ’
19 The refugees kept in the camps face many crises of diet ; not only is it not balanced in some cases , but it may also not arrive on time , causing disease and death .
20 Yet had the assessment panel system not existed in most cases equal amounts of time would have been occupied later but in the negative cycle of suspensions , parental interviews , referral procedures and the preparation of reports .
21 Advance notice is not required in these cases .
22 Of course it is highly likely that the corporate finance arm and the client will be contractually bound in any case , thus enabling us to dispense with the issue of whether an obligation of confidence is owed .
23 A slightly better idea may be to prepare a separate set of terms for use in consumer transactions , since the supplier 's freedom to restrict liability is more restricted in such cases , and exclusions are less likely to be held reasonable .
24 The European Court further ruled in this case that Arts 48 and 59 of the EC Treaty do not prevent a member state from requiring that the exercise of the profession of auditor in that state by a person qualified to carry on that profession in another member state be subject to conditions which are objectively necessary to guarantee observation of professional rules concerning the permanence of the infrastructure in place for the completion of the work , the effective presence in the member state and assurance of the observation of professional ethics , unless respect for such rules and conditions is already guaranteed by a reviseur d'entreprises , whether a natural person or a firm , established and recognised in the state , and in whose service is placed , for the duration of the work , the person who intends to exercise the profession of auditor .
25 That is , they show that the coefficients of the model are still identified in this case provided that it is assumed that the equation errors in the money growth equation and in the output equation are contemporaneously uncorrelated .
26 Many particulars can not be demonstratively identified in any case .
27 Marginal totals are also given in each case .
28 The question before the Court was whether they had been automatically transferred in any case under the Business Transfers Directive and had the rights that the Directive confers — including rights for any recognised union to be informed and consulted ; the right of continued recognition of the union ; the automatic transfer of the employees ' terms and conditions of employment ; and protection against unfair dismissal in relation to the transfer .
29 While the milk from such farms was declared unfit for sale , farmers were also prevented in most cases from selling their cattle for slaughter for a period of several months .
30 But it is also used in some cases for rather trivial offences .
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