Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] to be in " in BNC.

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1 I am obviously considered to be in need of some help .
2 I do n't know what anyone else says , you 've only got to be in prison a week — no , a day — and all you want when you get out is revenge , to go and get drunk and do something really stupid like break a shop window or something .
3 Perhaps I may also be permitted to use some of your space to assure your readers that the arrival of Triassic and Lilla for our Summer Gala ( June 20th/21st ) was not intended to be in any way the last minute and the locomotives arrived just two days before the event , so we preferred not to advertise them in advance so as to avoid disappointment .
4 And even if an uncommissioned but critical ethnography is not considered to be in breach of the Official Secrets Act , it will most likely be construed as structural espionage and lie in breach of the Police Discipline Code as set out in Police Regulations .
5 In response to our request to film at Tempelhof airport , the headquarters in California has replied : ‘ Unfortunately , cooperation in this screenplay is not considered to be in the best interest of the US Armed Forces and the Department of Defense .
6 John Gummer , who was not considered to be in need of protection , was singing ‘ Lead Kindly Light ’ in a falsetto voice .
7 Further sponsors and at least one ‘ multi-million unit company ’ , not expected to be in the mainstream computer systems business , is said to have signed up for PowerPC , and should reveal itself within two months , claimed PowerOpen officials .
8 The court , not expected to be in operation before September , would include 11 judges with a staff of 373 at a cost of around £20 million during its first year of operation .
9 Without in any way making light of the distress of the parents of Tony Bland , it is very important to keep a firm hold of the fact that Tony himself was not reported to be in any pain or distress ; so any change in the treatment he was receiving was not for the purpose of relieving acute suffering of the patient .
10 Clarence House said she was in ‘ very little distress ’ and was not thought to be in any danger , and her admission was purely precautionary .
11 A spokeswoman said Courtney had suffered ‘ generalised bruising ’ in the crash but was not thought to be in any danger .
12 erm , and Martin and Den had already volunteered to be in it ,
13 You know , they just , they they just not fated to be in a band , at all .
14 when you offered a meeting which does not seemed to be in dispute , either you 're travelling to London or making yourselves available in Corma were you offering a ten minute conversation or were you anticipating that you would be able to deal with any questions he might have ?
15 He was taken to the intensive care unit at the colony 's St Bernard 's Hospital but his life is not believed to be in danger .
16 In the other little side ward next to mine was my one certainty , a patient of my age , generally believed to be in a terminal condition .
17 In some countries where religion is not acknowledged to be in any way a necessary part of life , and also to a lesser degree in some where it is , the very important regular holidays , i.e. the single days or short periods of relief from work , which are spaced throughout the year , and which are additional to the long summer vacations , are fixed by arbitrary law and not by reference to religious feast days .
18 A sad blow , and he may be followed by coach Ian McIntosh who , as a paid official , is no longer allowed to be in charge .
19 ( N.S. ) 709 ( ‘ a peculiar system ’ which is not required to be in accordance with common law ) .
20 He is still intended to be in control of his environment .
21 Detailed empirical work by , for example , Davies and Kramer and Young , focused on the ways in which planners and other public officials managed not only to frustrate the intentions of elected officials but , often in a highly paternalistic way , created strategies which simultaneously operated in their own interests while still deemed to be in the interests of the general public .
22 The principal guest bedroom features fleur de lys wallpaper specially designed to be in keeping with the period the castle was built .
23 This slab of a man still looked to be in his full prime .
24 Keith Pringle who was shot by a police marksman after a 47-hour siege in Darlington was yesterday said to be in a ‘ stable ’ condition in Middlesbrough General Hospital .
25 Wilson , Lloyd George and Clemençeau , wrote an observer a year or two later , " were in the conduct of public affairs more imperious than any Caesar had ever dared to be in any empire , pagan or Christian " .
26 That was why he always had to be in the saddle , controlling everything within his reach with great brilliance and clarity of mind .
27 A major chain of retailers has agreed to withdraw them from sale , but hundreds are still thought to be in use .
28 There would be absolutely no u need to use an apostrophe because there 's no possession to follow it , it 's always got to be in that pattern of owner and possession , and if it 's one , then it 's before the s and if it 's more than one , it 's after the s .
29 Our landlady , a Mrs Brown , seemed pleasant and reasonable , and we were still contented to be in Bedford , although we had discovered that there was one disadvantage — the Americans .
30 At least two of the journalists seized at the Marriott hotel on Wednesday were still feared to be in pro-Noriega hands yesterday .
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