Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] and [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In 1917 Maxwell returned from France badly wounded and with an MC .
2 It is highly effective , highly professional and highly regarded and in no way would its organisational change mean that it was any less committed to or capable of working on the types of renewable energy mentioned by the hon. Gentleman from tidal to wave power .
3 The vocational training in engineering and technological skills which young people receive in West Germany is more thorough , better organised and of a higher standard , the young people receive in this country .
4 There was a gas boiler , comparatively modern , mounted above a deep square porcelain sink much stained and with a clean but crumpled tea towel hanging on a hook beside it .
5 The recently-held Day of Recollection for members of the APC and friends had been greatly appreciated and as a result a further Day of Recollection will be held in the spring .
6 It portrayed Boston society in the year 2000 , with the oppression and inequality of industrial capitalism long gone and with a military-industrial army working in huge monopolies rallying to the banner of nationalism .
7 First one , then the other gingerly descended and as the one with the keys circled the car , checking each orifice and lock , the other brazenly mounted the bonnet and cast his arms and gaze further , far across to the disappearing outline of the receding crag of hill .
8 If the seller fails to collect goods which the buyer has rightly rejected and as a result the buyer reasonably incurs storage expenses , the buyer is entitled to claim those expenses from the seller as damages for breach of contract , Kolfor Plant Ltd. v. Tilbury Plant Ltd. ( 1977 Q.B. ) .
9 The site has been known to many antiquaries from the eighteenth century onwards ; Gordon recorded that the circuit of the walls was still conspicuous , a description which conflicts with the almost contemporary report of that other noted antiquarian of Hadrian 's Wall , John Horsley , who wrote that the Roman site was almost entirely levelled and under the plough .
10 Thanks to , among others , John Robinson and the radical theologians , however , the way has been paved for humanist concerns to become more widely accepted and for the established Church to lose its importance in the areas of both public and private morality .
11 The common-room was large and comfortably furnished and at the far end included pool tables , dartboards and table tennis .
12 Her screams were not heard and in a struggle she cut her hand on the knife .
13 In 1955/6 budgets were generally overspent and by a larger margin than in earlier years .
14 Inside it is richly decorated and of the typical open style dictated by the Jesuit Order .
15 ( 2 ) The clerk of a licensing board shall , when lawfully required , make out a duplicate of any licence issued by him under this section and shall certify such duplicate to be a true copy of the original licence , and any such duplicate , duly certified as aforesaid , shall be sufficient evidence of the facts therein contained and of the terms of the original licence .
16 In fact the unlawfulness of indiscriminate attacks was generally accepted and to a great extent maintained : although London , Coventry , Hamburg and Dresden were bombed , Paris , Rome , Oxford and Edinburgh were not .
17 Aung San 's demand for eleven seats out of fifteen was not conceded and at the end of the month the Governor appointed a Council of ten members , of whom only two were British .
18 Of the highest quality , generously made and with a wide choice of rigid baths and fittings .
19 This serves as an explanation of changes already made and as a warning of those still to come .
20 The presents were already wrapped and round the tree in the front room .
21 This , however , is not generally recognised and with the advent of the National Curriculum some have argued that there will be even less scope for innovation .
22 Although not randomised and with a small number of histopathologically confirmed cases , we believe , that the large number of patients in our study successfully managed by injection treatment alone favours a primary encoscopic approach towards Dieulafoy 's disease .
23 Severely damaged , the church is now largely restored and in the interior , which is virtually complete , the work has been beautifully done .
24 Samuel had already arrived and within a few minutes they were joined by Neville Chamberlain , MacDonald told them of the situation in the Cabinet , and of his advice to the King .
25 One was soon found and at a special meeting of the Governors on 26th February Mr. C. G. Higginson , a graduate of the University of London , was appointed at a salary of £5 a week , to be paid by Hamilton .
26 The existence of the cemetery was not generally known and on the lane side of the pine wood the trees were separated from the grass verge by a dose-boarded fence .
27 The majority of Danes asking ‘ Geoff Who ? ’ were soon enlightened and by the end of the evening there was hum of comment about this tasteful guitarist with a tone that would impress Peter Green himself !
28 Jack ‘ I 'll be retiring soon ’ Duncan has finally gone and in a few weeks I shall also have a clear desk and be on my way to Viewforth , Stirling to take up my appointment as Director of Technical Services in Central Region .
29 A poor response from Valencia was easily overcome and within the city there was much murmuring against the new ruler .
30 I hope that Germany , which has stood firmly in favour of a common foreign and security policy in the intergovernmental conferences that have just concluded and in the discussions on this week 's Maastricht treaty , will listen to its own exhortations and ensure that , whenever the decision is taken on recognition , it is made collectively , not unilaterally .
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