Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [vb -s] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Arguably this cuts down on women 's contact with other people .
2 Whether all this adds up to Mr Winchester 's ‘ inchoate oneness ’ , scheduled to mature in a generation or so , is open to doubt .
3 The Americans could take this a little further , but after Schweinfurt they had to stop and lick their wounds ; and so this leads on to the inevitable topic when I am confronted with the audiences I meet in all those places .
4 The latter has a lyric set round an argument which Bob not so much gives in to , but agrees to differ on …
5 The cause of death will now be established by a home office pathologist : Friends of the dead woman say she doted on her two young children and was n't the sort of person to have contemplated suicide — the pathologist 's report will show whether or not that turns out to be true .
6 , cos unless we 're going to get it straight , but it just all comes in like this time of year , and just comes and let us in .
7 Now that comes back to the question is , are salesman born or are they made ?
8 For example writers usually form the beginnings of words reasonably well , but often this tails off towards the ends of words .
9 ‘ In fact , if you ask me , there 's as much goes on in most of these valleys as there ever used to be . ’
10 ‘ That was seventeen years ago and she has n't as far as I know been seen or heard of since ; surely that adds up to a disappearance ?
11 Invariably this works out at less than the cost of the repairs , because a vendor would be unlikely to reduce his price to the extent of their full cost — he would argue that he had already taken some account of defects and age when fixing the price of his house in the first place , and if he had been expected to replace all the windows he would have asked a correspondingly higher price .
12 However , even this breaks down in some cases — for instance , in the form of hypercholesterolaemia due to a low density lipoprotein receptor defect , the pathology is quantitative , and introducing a normal gene may improve the prognosis , even in adults in whom the disease is dominant .
13 Awful lot of reasons why training i is so important to us an and basically it simply all comes back to our statement is n't it , it it 's to be a sort of feeding insurer to give unsurpassed service .
14 I 'm not sure how that fits in with costings like you know , but you know what I mean .
15 I look forward especially to a future opportunity to develop his views on the desirability of keeping national insurance contributions as low as possible and of working out exactly how that fits in with the policies of some of his right hon. and hon. Friends , but that is for another occasion , Madam Deputy Speaker .
16 Why I wanted it and how that ties in with who I can love , get it together with , I mean long term . ’
17 The presidential year does cost the individual money ; if it is decided that one 's partner goes to dinners then this comes out of the individual 's pocket and is not subsidised , at least in my case , by anyone else , and it is entirely a matter of personal choice as to how this part of the arrangements is made .
18 ‘ I do n't see how this ties in with the clinic . ’
19 Reynolds hesitated for a moment , then said , ‘ I do n't see how this ties in with his medical practice . ’
20 The only , a the residents have , are of course , once again this goes back to this , the problems that we 're facing with the er local government reorganization debate , are at a loss to do er erm to find that the on-street parking provision is the county 's responsibility , off-street parking provision is the district 's responsibility and actions by , by the district are in fact causing problems for us with this .
21 But in a piece where every idea is disposable , very little turns out to be memorable .
22 However , such important nutrients as nitrates and phosphates are generally scarce , because rates of bacteria decomposition in the soils of the catchment areas are low , and very little leaches out into the water .
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