Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [noun pl] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 By laying down such standards the law is capable of defining what is expected of managers , of giving normative guidance on how they should fulfil their role .
2 Keynes recognized the possibility of a minimum below which the rate of interest would not fall , since below such levels the rate of interest on securities would not cover the costs and risks of holding them .
3 But today , especially these youngsters the attitude is I 'm
4 With so many singers the music simply goes in one particular way ; with him it is always individual and special .
5 With so many moves the education of the Burrows children had been badly disrupted .
6 In so many ways the health service of the 1980s was admirable and impressive .
7 This was a strange rare way of conserving a Corps : perhaps it was a Pickle , as for Beefe , whose Saltness in so many years the Lead might sweeten and render insipid .
8 Very clear directions must therefore be given , bearing in mind that with so many dilutions the patient may think the remedy is too strong , or misunderstand the process in some way .
9 Held , ( 1 ) that under Community law member states could determine in accordance with the general rules of public international law the conditions under which vessels could be entered in national registers and granted the right to fly their flags , but that in laying down those conditions the member states had to comply with Community law ( post , pp. 338F–G , 343A ) .
10 If only we had n't cut down those trees the view would be better .
11 At other times the experimenter would take away some sweets the child had previously been given .
12 In this way the therapist can observe and explain away any difficulties the client may have and reinforce the benefits of the technique .
13 This remarkable and rapid growth was attributable to a relatively small group of full-time tutors and organising secretaries resident in these counties who demonstrated over several years the importance of their roles , personal qualities and ‘ … their intimate association with members of branches and groups , which , in its turn , comes only from … active sympathy with those ends which they seek to achieve through adult education ’ .
14 In many if not most cases the suitability of particular accommodation for a particular applicant is a matter on which differing views may honestly and reasonably be held .
15 At low enough temperatures the gap is insurmountable , and dissipative scattering ( with loss of momentum ) is impossible because there are no vacant delocalised states that an electron has sufficient energy to reach .
16 Like the sole trader , the partners are personally responsible for paying off any debts the shop may incur .
17 They would contend that in nearly all cases the identity of their supplier was an important factor , and therefore would prefer to permit no assignments without their prior consultation and consent .
18 Not only are some of the positive points he makes in favour of marriage repeated in a negative form in the list of arguments against , but also several times the text is annotated and amended .
19 The Revenue contended that regardless of the amount of the capital appointed each appointee was liable on the full amount of the trust income so that the Crown was entitled to as many times the tax on the income as appointees year by year .
20 Publishers have been reluctant to comment on this proposed scheme at present , but it is believed to be an agreement whereby a publisher 's rep would be given authority to put into the store any title in any quantity , for example 500 copies of a new title , and after 60 days would take back any copies the manager no longer wanted .
21 Potter says this approach has been satisfactory , although he would not say how many times the company had used it , but Psion has never had to take a case to court .
22 Inglis calculated the stress concentration factor , that is to say by how many times the stress is increased locally , not only for rectangular hatchways , but also for other openings such as round and elliptical holes .
23 It is hard to estimate exactly how many times the histone H4 document has been recopied in the lineage leading to cows from the common ancestor with peas , but it is probably as many as 20 billion times .
24 We had wagers on how many times the horse 's prick bounced back and forth in the time it took to cross the Parade .
25 Two strictly rational players , each of whom assumes that the other is strictly rational , can do nothing but defect if they both know how many rounds the game is destined to run .
26 It is almost like saying that watercolour painting is inferior to oil painting , when most of us realise how difficult watercolour is , and how many problems the oil painter doe not have to contend with .
27 Experts agree that it is far too soon to tell how many lives the belt law has saved .
28 It does not care how many revivals the church experiences in the private world as long as it stays where it is .
29 The officials in charge of it still can not find out exactly how much some of the firms they would like to sell are worth — or indeed , says one , how many firms the state actually owns .
30 IG Index , bookmakers to the City , now run a book on how many minutes the Chancellor will take .
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