Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] by the new " in BNC.

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1 Software house Logica Plc , London W and software and services company Finsiel SpA , have set up a new joint venture company in Italy called Logicasiel SpA , following Finsiel 's acquisition of the controlling shares in Data Management , Logica 's original joint venture partner in Italy : Logica owns 40% of Logicasiel , while Finsiel , via Data Management , owns 60% ; Logicasiel is made up of Logica General Systems , the original Logica-Data Management joint venture set up in 1985 , and GSO Informatica , which is now wholly owned by the new company ; Logicasiel has 240 staff and turnover of approximately £15m ; it operates in finance , local government and industry , but intends to focus on developing further trade links with the European Commission and pan-European organisations .
2 Work , at this level , becomes greatly affected by the new type of vertical integration which demands that knowledge workers manage or monitor their own activity to a much greater extent .
3 Opinion in Catholic parts of the Reich in particular was greatly influenced by the new wave of attacks on the position of the Church which had begun in spring 1941 and gathered momentum during the summer and autumn .
4 Karadzic , apparently encouraged by the new international policy announced in Washington , not only invited Bosnian Muslim and Croat leaders to meet him to discuss a settlement but he also challenged the Muslims to a soccer match .
5 Politically , however , he was forced to " share " power with Rafsanjani , whose powers as President were greatly strengthened by the new Constitution , approved in July 1989 [ see p. 36833 ] .
6 The empirical question , then , is whether common sense has been so changed by the new materialist hegemony , or whether , as Gramsci believed , it still has an independent existence in modern consciousness .
7 ( 1 ) Greatly increased administrative workload — Even with the existing generous management and computerisation allowances , fundholding involves general practitioners in considerable extra administrative work , over and above that already entailed by the new contract .
8 The leisure and recreational movements generated from the grassroots or from the concerned philanthropist looking down from on high were to give way to a cultural and economic popularism which was to be progressively constructed by the new generation of market-orientated professionals .
9 This fund would be further augmented by the new overseas-owned companies taking advantage of the tax haven conditions .
10 Macmillan was quickly struck by the new president 's habit of asking questions as a tool with which to develop policy .
11 The college 's vote is sent under special seal to Capitol Hill to be formally announced by the new Congress on January 4 .
12 He knew the Prince was a connoisseur of luxury , deeply influenced by the new designs from the prosperous Italian states .
13 The policy was enthusiastically adopted by the new American President , Ronald Reagan , and by Mrs Thatcher , who had assumed office some months before his election .
14 The very phrase ‘ the political side ’ — a phrase also used by the new member to Simon and Nigel — implies a lack of centrality , or at most an equality with the non-political side .
15 This road was subsequently abandoned , being partly submerged by the new Loch Loyne reservoir , and was replaced by another constructed some miles to the east .
16 Coalbrookdale , now absorbed by the New Town of Telford , was formerly an industrial village in the heavily wooded Severn valley subsequently called the Ironbridge Gorge ( q.v . ) .
17 THERE HAVE also been changes at the south end of the Kylesku Bridge , where the little cluster of buildings where vehicles formerly embarked on the ferry boat is now bypassed by the new road .
18 Moments of panic in the national efficiency debate often orchestrated by the new popular press — enabled medics to dramatically represent their new scientific concepts in ways that gained them intellectual hegemony and popular credibility .
19 In Europe , it was the older trees — over 60 or even 100 years old — that were first and most severely affected by the new Waldsterben .
20 However , as discussed above , in relation to contracts under which ownership of goods is transferred , so far as such contracts are not governed by s 6 of the UCTA , they are now governed by the new s 7(3A) .
21 They claimed that the courts were inadequately served by the new social services departments .
22 The party was effectively opposed by the new MPP ( founded by Barak Sope , Lini 's rival , whose conviction following the 1988 coup attempt had been quashed on appeal — pp. 36397-98 ; 36526 ) , in alliance with the conservative UMP .
23 They supported a considerable number of genuine charities as well as the disputable School , and were particularly affected by the new legislation of 1547 .
24 The restructure of the coal , aggregates , Speedlink , petroleum and metals businesses made it relatively easy to identify and organise separate sub-sector fleets , increasingly recognised by the new grey livery decorated with esoteric fleet symbols and depot badges .
25 It is envisaged that during the phasing out of ‘ O ’ Grades and the introduction of the Revised Higher syllabuses the needs of school pupils will be well served by the new sciences module matrix .
26 Important industrial sectors , including public workers in power and water services , broke from the CGS to form independent federations , either directly or indirectly influenced by the new popular organizations .
27 I felt oddly disturbed by the new hair-do .
28 Now homemoving legalities have hopefully been completely revolutionised by the new scheme .
29 If Norman Lewis , a reputable journalist , is to be believed , then the Ayoreo Indians have been shamelessly abused by the New Tribes Mission with , it seems , the open support of Paraguay 's ruler .
30 Very soon the Longhorn was completely eclipsed by the new , improved Shorthorn .
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