Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] and have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Many of the leading scholars amongst the South Slavs during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries were widely travelled and had studied in France , Germany , Austria and Italy , where they were caught up in the intellectual ferment which was abroad at that time .
2 While that movement has nowhere been wholly completed and has gone less far in some countries than in others , there is no western nation where its effects can not be seen .
3 Some had been killed outright by flying shrapnel , others had been badly wounded and had died slowly .
4 There was no evidence of her having a psychiatric disorder , although it was clear that she had become somewhat withdrawn and had lost confidence in herself since the break-up of her relationship with her boyfriend .
5 In the southern cone countries of Argentina , Chile and Uruguay , which are highly urbanised and have advanced industrial complexes , the formal proletariat makes up more than half the EAP .
6 Because both loci hybridise with the KOX2 probe under stringent conditions , it was hypothesised that ZNF11A and ZNF11B are highly related and have arisen by an evolutionarily recent duplication .
7 With the development of New Technology , in-house training by Industry has been better facilitated and has taken on increased importance .
8 As I have altered the way I teach mathematics , I have found pupils have been more highly motivated and have demonstrated skills I had not suspected they possessed .
9 So there was the swings and roundabouts where had they not recognized and had come along with us , to the extent that we thought we could do our , a sharing objective er and it brought them out of the , the attitude that was hitherto adopted where well management really could n't care very much you know , if a man did suffer the loss of er five pound a week or whatever you know , and , and once it was made clear to him that there was no further er er use of the procedure and he could take it through his district you know , if he liked , the man did n't , well on exceptional cases perhaps they may have taken a case through , but er in the majority of cases the man just accepted it , and made up his losses er er later on .
10 However , as it is the only qualification in this area , we have endless problems in discouraging people from attributing to it all sorts of accreditations for which it was not designed and have to point out that it does not qualify people to interpret , give advice or act on behalf of others .
11 Another flat resident , mother-of-two Michelle Parry , said she was not insured and had lost everything .
12 The Policy and Resources Committee on Friday considered the position that included a take , a potential take of fifty thousand for this Committee , and similar reductions from other committees , but which left the funding deficit problem of six hundred and seventy one thousand , and what the Policies and Resources Committee decided was to ask the committees , all committees to look at how this six hundred and seventy one thousand gap would be funded , and that that should include committees like ourselves which had already identified and had put into the guidelines for reduction , the full five percent reduction that had been requested to be identified early in the process .
13 And in 1656 Orontea was given at the archducal court of Innsbruck , where Cesti was already established and had produced his L ‘ Argia ( 1655 ) for the visit of Christina of Sweden .
14 This can eat into the rest of your working day but you must be properly briefed and have given thought to managing the event .
15 In addition , the breed has been very widely exported and has played a major role in the creation or improvement of many other breeds : its influence has probably been greater than any other breed except perhaps the Friesian group and its adaptability is legendary .
16 The long-serving 34-year-old attacked the Dragons boss for his use of tactics when he took charge , was promptly dropped and has refused to play since until he received an apology .
17 Since 1976 the presumption of regular growth has been rudely shattered and has lead to the emergence of new ‘ cutting strategies ’ ( Glennerster , 1980 ) .
18 Dear people who could hardly write for arthritis , who had to send aged husbands staggering out in the frost to find something suitable , people whom I had hardly seen and had exchanged no more than the shiest of glances were sending me pictures of daffodils , valleys , seas and mountains .
19 He seemed to answer every question I had ever asked and to have lived a life far above everything I knew was to be aimed at .
20 It can be described as a fact-finding or special committee which is short lived and having achieved its purpose , reports back to the parent body and then ceases to exist ;
21 On March 27 , 1990 , the human rights organization Amnesty International cited strong evidence that MTP members had been tortured , illegally executed and had disappeared while in military custody .
22 Namely , he will be inviting your Lordship to er look at whether or not the business the plaintiff 's would have failed in any event er because it is the defendants case relying er extensively upon the opinion of their expert Mr er that even if the plaintiffs had had the finances which were originally anticipated and had completed the deal in accordance with that , the probabilities are that this business would have failed in any event and that they would have incurred the losses they did er so I anticipate there is going to be a dispute between us as to the basis in which your Lordship is to determine compensation in this case .
23 As with other verbal games the child must type in the sentences correctly spelled and has to read the replies which , for the most part , will be in standard English .
24 In both cases the MMC held that these companies were efficiently run and had contributed to substantial cost savings , the Schumpeterian view of monopoly to which we referred in Chapter 9 and illustrated in Figure 17–2 .
25 Mr Silviu Brucan , a leading member of the front , was reported as saying yesterday that the Communist Party was now finished and had played no part in the revolution — despite increasing complaints , particularly from students at the centre of the uprising , that most of those moving into power were party members .
26 In any case , Deutsche is now wholly opposed and has coaxed powerful friends into buying Continental shares to help block the bid .
27 Twin Oaks is not particularly well treated and has shown all his best form at Haydock , while Party Politics is held by Chatam on last year 's Hennessy form .
28 These schemes were well received and had extended considerably by the end of the 1970s .
29 This group is very well travelled and has Appeared at many international folk-dancing events .
30 Some are well prepared and have taken the trouble to find out how to conduct a selection interview , especially if they are highly trained personnel officers .
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