Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] to [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The regions — they have since come up to London — were miles away from that sort of thing .
2 ‘ You had better come up to Lady Merchiston , ’ Theda said , leading the way to the stairs .
3 But if Montini was so indispensable in the later stages of the pontificate of Pius XII , why was he suddenly packed off to Milan without the cardinal 's hat that routinely went with the office ?
4 On the morning of the ceremony , Olivia , the mali , Balvinder Singh and myself all set off to Village Shahpur Jat in Mr Singh 's taxi .
5 It was only shipped up to Paris recently when the house had been emptied of furniture .
6 On hearing of the don 's disappearance , she 'd naturally rushed up to Oxford in the hope of tracking down her precious notes .
7 Scots-born ( in Elgin ) , educated at Aberdeen University , qualifying as a CA , then joining Alcan Aluminium , he realised his experience and qualifications were ‘ quite narrow ’ and so headed off to Manchester Business School and an MBA which then took him into international consultancy with McKinsey .
8 Even though my children 's reading has long since moved on to Roald Dahl , C S Lewis and Judy Blume , the story ‘ template ’ is there , the dubious role models of their best-loved tales are firmly entrenched and I 'm beginning to wonder if they are there for life .
9 Army Group E had included seven army corps , one of which , the 15 SS Cossack Cavalry Corps , had already broken through to Austria and surrendered to the British .
10 Fortunately the couple had had a telephone number for the party Lori had left with , and a telephone call this morning had vouchsafed the unwelcome information that Lori had already flown on to Medellín .
11 He was not available for comment , however , as he had just flown off to Australia .
12 In the summer of 1617 Best travelled back to Yorkshire to manage the family estate at Elmswell , near Driffield , which had been bought by his father in 1598 , and to supervise the upbringing of his young siblings and half-siblings .
13 Since he had not come back to Møn he must be dead — there could be no other explanation .
14 Why not come along to Saughton Sports Centre where the ladies running club meets every Tuesday from 7–8 pm .
15 Others present included Lord David Cecil , who had lately come back to Oxford to teach English Literature at New College , and Adam Fox , the college chaplain .
16 One of the men has already come back to Britain voluntarily , the older one is fighting extradition
17 I remember the sinking feeling still : 1964 , having just moved up to Leeds and my first day at Almscliff — then , and probably still , the best swather of tall poppies in the land .
18 He stayed in Moscow for two months before he returned to St. Petersburg and soon sailed back to Scotland .
19 I 'd just turned on to York Way when I spotted the two city gents who 'd been drinking in the pub .
20 Flames and smoke from nearby chestnut-sellers and the bare-chested fire-eaters flickered and drifted into the dark grey sky , and Meredith just hung on to Lucenzo , lost for words , overwhelmed by the volume of sound , the bustle , the glamour , as they walked along beneath the arched walkway of the Procuratie Nuove .
21 ‘ My family were Huguenots , my lady , and therefore unwanted in la belle France , ’ D'Alembord 's contemptuous scorn for France made the Countess bridle , but he had already turned back to Lucille .
22 Tim found out the appalling details of his wife 's killing when he finally got through to Elizabeth 's fiance Cuan Cronje .
23 As he had finally got back to Mrs Lorimer 's and was washing his face , he was wondering how much of the dirty water of the drug scene had washed over Rose and Steve .
24 I 've just got back to England .
25 They were soon summoned back to London .
26 ‘ We have a tail already locked on to Tweed .
27 ‘ She could have gone to friends , or just driven up to London , ’ Fraser defended himself .
28 Why had Parr not gone back to England ?
29 When he rang Joanne to check Nigel 's movements in the week before Steen 's death , a strange female voice answered and informed him that Miss Menzies had already gone up to Scotland for her Christmas holidays .
30 ‘ As I heard it , my lord , he 's already gone back to Hereford . ’
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