Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [coord] it is " in BNC.

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1 In ancient times this magnificent monument must have been much admired and it is hardly surprising that Imhotep was remembered as a great man and eventually became a god .
2 The homologies of these small basal sclerites in different insects have been much discussed and it is possible that they are derived from an original subcoxa .
3 However , the market is highly specialised and it is important to operate only on the basis of sound advice .
4 A considerable proportion will be greatly improved and it is worth waiting another couple of months to see further improvement before commencing drug therapy .
5 Many codecs already developed are designed to be upgradeable when such standards become widely accepted and it is therefore likely that within a few years dial-up videoconferencing will be possible between a wide range of different proprietary systems .
6 Could I also say that erm again going back to Strathclyde that there is a , a social , there is a subsidy for those services erm where there is a social need up to a certain point and that is governed by the finance available , but its not as though , this is just the commercial network , in fact , er I think its erm something in the order of ninety two per cent of services in Strathclyde are commercially operated and it is Strathclyde region that fills the gaps .
7 Now we are of course talking principally on this sixty hectare allocation for the district outside the Greater York area because I think it is well understood this enquiry can have comparatively little impact on how much development takes place within the surroundings of Greater York , because I understand the site that 's being discussed is already committed and it is in any case part of the York pool rather than the Harrogate pool .
8 You should experiment with the proportion of medium used but this is soon done and it is possible to use the medium to achieve delicate glaze effects .
9 Late morulae are generally regarded as 16- to 32-cell embryos which have not cavitated and it is at this stage ( -84 h post-hCG ) that they pass through the uterotubal junction from the oviduct into the uterus .
10 The next thing er which again er is er a detail of something which is already approved and it is merely than in our conditions of service during our discussions with the city er personnel department we noted , or they noted as it had arisen that we indicated the route to erm sick pay over a certain period and before a certain period but not the detail of how you got there .
11 In fact the Navy is no longer needed and it is a luxury the country can not afford .
12 The high strength of thin fibres may be due in part to the fact that such fibres are very easily bent and it is therefore easier to bend them than to scratch them .
13 The interests of the vendor and the purchaser are largely opposed and it is sensible for the matter to be resolved by stipulating the apportionment in the sale agreement .
14 ‘ or disorderly behaviour ’ This point is not defined but it is felt that any conduct which is not orderly and is not covered by ‘ threatening , abusive , or insulting words or behaviour ’ would suffice .
15 It is an orientation compatible with the others already identified and it is eminently congenial to a society that stresses the responsibilities as well as the rights of the individual .
16 The dolphins ' opinion of Miss Goddard was not recorded but it is believed that they would be unlikely to demur from her conclusion .
17 It is not stated but it is also probably true that the greater is the haste for union the greater will be the potential dislocation .
18 For the beginner , however , this negative pitch angle is exactly what is not required and it is recommended that the lowest pitch that the blades can reach should be +1° .
19 But the Working Party did not need to dally with morbidity indicators , since ‘ the reasons for the pattern of differential Regional mortality are not wholly understood but it is believed that Regional differences in morbidity explain the greater part of it and that statistics of relative differences in Regional morbidity , if they existed , would exhibit the same pattern as those for mortality ’ ( DHSS , 1976b , p. 16 ) .
20 The importance of the family for the prevention of delinquent behaviour was also recognized and it is now widely accepted that the delinquent child and his or her family are in need of the same kind of attention as the deprived child and his or her family .
21 The military parts of the fortress have been thoroughly restored and it is possible to walk all round the battlements .
22 Answer guide : In this case the uncertainty is mitigated as the life is clearly known and it is also clear that the loss in utility relates to time .
23 This would have had the effect of endowing York with metropolitan status as Pope Gregory the Great had originally intended and it is likely that Eadwine , on Bede 's testimony a thoughtful and sagacious individual ( HE 11 , 9 ) , appreciated the significance of this development .
24 It 's often Overlooked but it is probably the single most beneficial part — having a good time .
25 The experiment is now performed and it is found that the bats avoid collisions just as efficiently as before .
26 The importance of this is often underestimated but it is essential that not only do you get applicants but applicants who genuinely fulfil your requirements .
27 The search for a new director to oversee future expansion has now begun and it is expected that Hickey 's successor will be in post by early summer .
28 The sociological point is well made but it is the parenthetical ‘ alas ’ that registers the musician 's feeling .
29 Of course she is becoming more well known and it is not always easy to realise it .
30 Of course , in Communist countries history is regularly rewritten and it is a Polish academic joke that ‘ only the future is certain , the past is always changing . '
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