Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] [be] important " in BNC.

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1 We ride a long way and in late afternoon ( sun time rather than clock time , which has long ceased to be important to us ) we stop for coffee so that Odd-Knut can work out a route .
2 Faults in your own work are glaringly obvious because you know so much about them , but other people 's faults are not considered to be important .
3 ‘ It is most surprising that in the tourism industry the necessity for language training to meet the growing demand for overseas visitors is not felt to be important , ’ the report said .
4 The following examples from China 's Panda Reserves illustrate ( a ) the use of adverbials to indicate time reference where necessary and feasible in a Chinese translation , and ( b ) the omission of time reference altogether where it can be inferred from the context or where the information is not felt to be important .
5 Ancestral origins from different geographical regions , however , are still assumed to be important in understanding pupil needs .
6 The timing of Bush 's statement was also considered to be important , its delivery coinciding with US attempts to dissuade Israel from barring East Jerusalem Arabs from any peace negotiations .
7 Fragmentation and excessive pace were also found to be important variables bearing on job satisfaction , with many workers , who did not find their work monotonous , stating that it did not absorb their full attention or that they found the pace of it too fast .
8 Two other variables were also found to be important .
9 This pathway was originally thought to be important only in those tissues lacking ADH , such as the heart , but a recent study has shown in vivo formation of FAEEs in the liver and pancreas during ethanol exposure .
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