Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [conj] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Employers were supposed to give a list of their homeworkers ' addresses to local authorities , but in 1907 two investigators found that in West Ham only 520 homeworkers on a list of 1,786 could be successfully traced and concluded that the Acts ( and therefore the inspection of homework premises ) were a dead letter .
2 ( 7 ) The property information questionnaire duly completed and signed and dated .
3 The plant was described by the ancient Greeks to improve eyesight ad this belief continued and travelled to Britain where Gerard recommended : " that the herb a little boiled or skalded and kept in pickle as Sampier ( samphire ) and eaten , quickens the sight " , or : " applied with honey and the juice of Fennell , is a remedie against dim eies " .
4 If a laying cuckoo is seen by the hosts it is vigorously mobbed and chased and , more importantly from the cuckoo 's point of view , its egg is more likely to be ejected .
5 The school or public library can cater for confident children by providing a wide range of books and related materials — pictures , videos , music and spoken-word cassettes , computer software , etc. — so arranged and displayed that the young users are not overwhelmed .
6 Confrontation with the enemy and violence done to him when necessary were not only justified but appeared as ends in their own right .
7 At the hospital with its crowd of out-patients and wards full of in-patients he was so busy , so plagued and hassled and rushed off his feet , and the women so submissive and ignorant or merely sullen , that he forgot about principles .
8 It has become clear that the anti-vivisection movement is now far better organised and directed than in the past .
9 Faith is better caught than taught and the example of a parent is a strong influence even while teenagers seem to be rejecting what you taught them .
10 as if dealing with a stubborn splinter fixed firmly and painfully down behind a fingernail , Zambia patiently nudged and pushed and , eventually , the agonising sliver was expelled .
11 Aggressive behaviour is to be not only discouraged but monitored and disciplined : the public regarded as consumers , customers and paymasters of policing , not potential villains or troublemakers .
12 Above Dorothea 's head , six new , blue mugs hung on six newly-erected hooks , for Florence Ames thought of all things and was constantly suggesting improvements — not that she insisted upon them or took anything in hand , only looked and suggested and then left the idea to be considered , accepted or rejected .
13 Laura 's normally warm , full lips tightened in pain , and she gave a heavy sigh as she recalled Liz 's pale , wan face , so terribly bruised and cut when she 'd visited her cousin in the hospital this morning .
14 to ensure , so far as is reasonably practicable , that the article is so designed and constructed as to be safe and without risks to health when properly used ;
15 They are required to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable that any plant ( machinery , equipment or appliance ) is so designed and constructed as to be safe and without risk to health .
16 Did you know that your EC-approved pads must be ‘ as light as possible without prejudicing design strength and efficiency ’ ( sub-section 1.3.2 ) , or that your box ‘ must be so designed and manufactured as to facilitate correct positioning on the user and to remain in place for the foreseeable period of use , bearing in mind ambient factors , movements to be made and postures to be adopted .
17 Pipelines must be fitted so as to maintain continuous flow at turbulence producing levels with valves , glands , seals , junctions and outlets so designed and positioned as to avoid causing ‘ traps ’ where food deposits can accumulate or cleaning solutions can stagnate .
18 I will illustrate this by looking , firstly , at the claim that some form of market can legitimate the power of corporate managers , and , secondly , at the argument that the internal structure of the company can be so designed and used as to legitimate corporate managerial power .
19 We have to recognise it for what it is ; to see it as a way of generating understanding and knowledge , yielding ideas and theories which are accepted for as long as they help our understanding of evidence , but which are constantly superseded and changed when new evidence is obtained which conflicts with them .
20 We have to recognise it for what it is ; to see it as a way of generating understanding and knowledge , yielding ideas and theories which are accepted for as long as they help our understanding of evidence , but which are constantly superseded and changed when new evidence is obtained which conflicts with them .
21 Now that she knew Betty was here because she pitied her and not because she liked her , she felt less threatened and decided that she would just let her take over the cooking and do as she wished in the kitchen .
22 More generally , the emphasis was on securing a ‘ speeding up of the system ’ and ‘ to ensure that development is only prevented or restricted when this serves a clear planning purpose and the economic effects have been taken into account ’ .
23 The tines of the chip remover is carefully slotted into the space between the processor and its ' socket and gently pushed and pulled until the chip lifts slightly .
24 I think they 're fantastically advanced and mature because they do n't have radios .
25 When questioned about her fiancé 's older brother , her cousin had merely giggled and replied that Laura would have to make up her own mind .
26 The findings contradict the view that sewage dumped into the ocean would be so diluted and dispersed that it would be harmless to plants and animals on the seabed .
27 The Tutworker could have a reasonable income which was more or less guaranteed ; the Tributer was more in a position of winning or losing ; the Day Workers , with the lowest wages , were only hired as required but even so were better off than the local farm labourer ; bearing in mind that the mine was not a particularly unhealthy one .
28 The King lost the Civil War of 1642–6 because the Scottish army came to the aid of Parliament on the understanding that a Presbyterian form of Church government would be imposed in England ; and because Cromwell 's troops were better led and trained than the Royalists .
29 Of the various neutrophil functions — namely adherence , aggregation , orientation , locomotion , and chemotaxis — few are better defined and understood than the sequence of events when the neurtophil comes into contact with a chemoattractant .
30 Yes , the heads using the long reach spark plugs are better ported and valved than the earlier heads .
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