Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 And , yes , I saw the incident at Southampton , where Mark Nicholas was eventually given out to a disputed close catch and then brought back to the crease .
2 SHe had eventually given in to a desire to seek Tammuz out , even though SHe already recognised the signs which meant he wanted to be left alone .
3 Not only did it fail to achieve representation ( not surprising at under 1 per cent of the vote ) but it has since fallen apart in a long series of internecine conflicts ( which are too complex to describe here ) .
4 Eventually Helen spotted a reception desk , discreetly tucked away behind a large weeping fig ; they advanced across wastes of polished marble and were directed to a lift .
5 Again , many decisions which are successfully carried out in a given period may not turn out to have been the best possible courses of action .
6 And he cited two papers , co-authored by Derek Bryce-Smith , professor of organic chemistry at the University of Reading , as being the result of ‘ individual scientists who have got rather carried away in a flush of enthusiasm . ’
7 Milton 's maintenance of the traditional Renaissance literary values of art , imitation , and exercise allowed him to be appropriated by a culturally elitist agenda indivisibly caught up with an elitist social and political agenda .
8 Cutting was mostly carried out with a scythe although a few were able to hire machinery for the purpose .
9 because the work is more effectively carried out by a single-purpose organization rather than by a government department with a wide range of functions ;
10 It dropped again at first but eventually picked up for a lively last lap .
11 The boys were eventually picked up by a small boat and were taken by ambulance to Nobles Hospital in Douglas where they were treated for the effects of cold .
12 The boys were eventually picked up by a small boat and were taken by ambulance to Nobles Hospital in Douglas where they were treated for cold .
13 The intrusiveness of attitudes like these is registered in Anne Bronte 's Agnes Grey ( 1847 ) , when the poor widow , Nancy Brown , feels badly caught out in a moment of negligence :
14 If this process was properly carried out as a matter of public law , then the consequential private law right of the plaintiff was simply a right to the accommodation which the council had decided to be suitable .
15 Dummies have since caught on as a fashion accessory at raves , but whether the trend was sparked by the emergence of Ketamine , or whether it 's just a way to keep the burning under control , is lost to myth and drug folklore .
16 With the genre scenes , part of the secret lies again in the way natural-sounding dialogue is skilfully caught up into a formal musical structure .
17 Then a Leed rang up saying that he was there and that the particular aviatical chant in question had been initially struck up by the away end , and only joined in by a shameful minority ( ahem ) of Leeds fans .
18 So we 're going to keep we 're going to try and keep our costs on this obviously stripped down to an absolute minimum .
19 It 's as if my mind has suddenly broken through into a new area , a space , a vast capacity which I never dreamt I had .
20 The fighting in our immediate area seemed to have quietened down as we handed over the prisoners to join , I would think , about a couple of hundred , all gathered together in a field close to the orchard .
21 Got some at home apparently tucked away in a piggy bank or something .
22 During 1933 Ian Hope Dundas , Alexander Raven Thomson , A.K. Chesterton and William Joyce all joined either as a result of Mosley 's charismatic personality or convinced by the fascist creed .
23 He also told them that a thin palladium wire , only ¼ inch in diameter and an inch long , had reached the boiling point of water within a few minutes , that the wire produced about 26 watts of energy per cm 3 , ‘ about four and a half times what we put into it ’ and that in an early stage of the experiments the apparatus suddenly heated up to an estimated 5000 degrees , vaporising a block of palladium , destroying a fume cupboard and damaging the concrete floor .
24 •The letters and telephone calls were so numerous that Curtis Strange feels he owes golf fans an apology for an outburst of profanity , inadvertently picked up by a television microphone during an American event this summer .
25 The idea is very possible , but would be better carried out on a factory produced four door ( which should be available soon ) as adding extra doors and pillars will increase the cost of conversion enormously .
26 Rather it is necessarily fuzzed out by an amount which is of the size of the wavelength of the light employed .
27 He said their figures applied to five other water authorities as well as AW , and said disconnection was only carried out as a last resort , when all other methods failed .
28 The real success formula became evident from the very beginning a mixture of good humour , innuendo , cliché , double-entendre all mixed together in a cauldron of what was plainly goodwill and a desire for a good time .
29 It 's great fun , very enjoyable , but for a young women who 's perhaps come up from a convent or an all girls ' school and who feels very uncomfortable with this person because he 's thirty years older and has power over here , it 's not perceived in the same way .
30 The alleged plot was said to have consisted of five so far unsolved supermarket killings in which 28 people died and which were apparently carried out by a clandestine right-wing movement to discredit the state [ see also p. 34893 ] .
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