Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [pron] on the " in BNC.

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1 He threw off the blanket , picked up the limp girl and gently placed her on the mat in front of the blazing fire .
2 After all , Changez was needed in the shop even more urgently now that Anwar had so enfeebled himself on the Gandhi-diet in order to get Changez to Britain in the first place .
3 The elation he 'd felt the day before at his own breathtaking adventure with the Moi girl now also seemed suddenly shameful to him , and he began to wonder if his exaggerated pride in the deed had n't been the direct cause of the danger in which he and his mother had suddenly found themselves on the plain .
4 The mess steward came in with Woolley 's piano-accordion and gently laid it on the table .
5 Eliot had apparently declined it on the plea that it was Lent .
6 I have just heard it on the news . ’
7 That is partly because the editors have not included anything on the ‘ mainstream ’ alternatives to the tokamak — stellarators and tandem mirrors for example As the title says , the book is devoted to unconventional approaches — some would use the word ‘ eccentric ’ — to fusion .
8 Well he 's probably just caught him on the back of on the back of the calf but er I thought it was as you say I thought it was a nice sharp incisive tackle .
9 The driver had not seen anyone on the platform and neither had the booking office clerk .
10 Watch out for a driver or cyclist who has not seen you on the crossing — Rules 10 , 11 , 12 and 13 .
11 ‘ Bailey 's already briefed him on the telephone but he wo n't know you 're in charge of the operation until he gets here .
12 ‘ That 's all very well , but Chamberlain 's only just told us on the wireless that the war 's begun . ’
13 He had already told me on the Friday at the training session , and in front of about 20 of the lads , that I was n't in the team .
14 At what I called the Winter Marsh inlet , though it was not called anything on the map , there was a wooden quay in what struck me as remarkably good condition for a structure that presumably had not been used for several years .
15 The non-aligned nations , meeting in Delhi , have just dragged it on the stage by backing an Argentine call for the withdrawal of all nuclear weapons from the Falklands .
16 We 've already complimented you on the general pass rate . ’
17 So I wo n't go through the rest of it , it 's a long and er it 's just brought us on the same sort of thing , but what it proves is that we are getting somewhere and that is what I thought was rather important news , which I want to do .
18 I think the other thing also , I found it a disadvantage actually having it on the table , I think if I 'd just left it on the like that
19 Have you ever caught anybody on the roofs .
20 Do you want to borrow , well it 's on two tapes , well I 've still got it on the tapes if you want it , it 's quite a good quite a good film
21 Where the remedy has been too ‘ strong ’ for the patient 's vitality this has always shown itself on the first few doses and it has merely been necessary to wait a day or two for the over-reaction to settle and then to begin again using greater dilution .
22 Emily always repeated this warning , although she was the only one who had ever cut herself on the bacon-slicer .
23 ‘ Have n't I always kept you on the inside of them ? ’
24 right with an extra window , whatever about the money , like Mrs what 's her name , so you 've nearly closed her on the conservatory you do all the paper , your order close form on the conservatory and you say to her , right , cos you 're working your sums out , do you want me to include the extra window for two hundred pounds ?
25 I have n't heard anything on the radio , seen nothing in the press , nothing on the box .
26 The Committee had simply patted them on the back like spoilt children and told them , ‘ Now just send your children back to school . ’
27 ‘ It 's only a bunch of flowers , ’ he said , pleased with her response , ‘ although I can guarantee that I have bought them , and have n't picked them on the way over .
28 The only reason I was here was because Joyce , who was to spend the first two days at the Centre with me , had continuously reminded me on the journey that the decision to go to Bristol had been mine and mine alone .
29 Yeah , even connected it on the end here , the , the station and set this display decoder up and it even did it there so it was nothing to do with the live lamp wire , the way they routed it we thought that perhaps rerouted it to the cable or something like that
30 In actual fact I 've got a friend and I go potholing with him , we meet , he 's a Kendall farmer , he 's a a sheep farmer and er , we meet and he says you know what I 've got a problem with on my land , not foxes dogs and walkers that have n't got them on the leads and crows at lambing time cos they peck their eyes out and things of that calibre , he says yes , I 'll tell you what I 'll bet you I 've had animals taken by foxes he , he says I probably have , he said but I 've not had this kind of unindeighted killing as .
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