Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She banged against the crate heavily and the one on top of it which had been badly placed fell onto the ground so that some of the bananas spilled out around her feet .
2 Dr Schumacher has since joined TRANSAID as a London-based director .
3 These are very substantial changes which are widely expected to continue in the 1990s .
4 One common solution to this problem , which avoids the politically undesirable alternative of imposing or reimposing fees , is to rely on parents to provide equipment , just as they are very widely expected to help in the construction and sometimes the furnishing of schools .
5 The sea is widely expected to break through the narrowest point of the peninsula any year now .
6 Mr North , whose conviction in the Iran-Contra scandal was dismissed by a federal appeals court , is widely expected to run for the Senate as a Republican from Virginia .
7 As New South Wales was the only state without an ALP government , the Liberal-National coalition was widely expected to benefit from the current unpopularity of the Hawke government , an expectation apparently supported by opinion polls published during the campaign which gave the coalition a lead of up to 16 percentage points over Labor .
8 The company claims that unlike other safety kits , the Dixon Home Care has been stylishly designed to fit into the most modern fitted kitchens .
9 The Haldane Report ( 1918 ) on the machinery of central government , which has since dominated thinking on the design of central government , examined a number of these criteria and recommended the distribution of government work on the basis of functions performed .
10 ‘ There were experienced rescuers at the resort but doctors from the hospital were probably better placed to deal with the victims . ’
11 Ms McKeown said : ‘ No-one is better placed to look after the health of their workers than NHS employers , yet they are almost wholly negligent in this area .
12 Of total foreign investment in Czechoslovakia over the previous 2 years only 11 per cent had gone to Slovakia , and the common perception was that the industries of the Czech Lands were in general better placed to benefit from the programme of rapid privatization emphasised by Klaus .
13 The girls only stopped laughing by the time they had reached the convent gates .
14 Those who wished to do so gathered to share in the fellowship of a symbolic meal — a piece of dry bread and a cup of water .
15 They wilt readily learn to distinguish light from dark and there is some evidence that they can also distinguish patterns and colours , although it must be said that this capacity is extremely limited compared with the normal capacities of the animals concerned ( Pasik and Pasik 1982 ) .
16 When we phoned HP last week to confirm the destination , our dreams were shattered with the news that the specs are only intended to protect against the dazzling blues , reds and greens of a new colour printer it is launching — not a single sunbeam .
17 At a time when neither the French army nor fiscal arrangements to meet its needs had been sufficiently developed to respond to a new military situation , the only possible response was none the less to call traditional forces together to form an army with which to intercept and , it was hoped , to defeat the English .
18 Mental illness is a very complicated subject , and psychiatry ( the study and treatment of it ) is not yet well enough developed to permit of an easy , agreed classification .
19 A series of hijackings and bomb hoaxes in the west of the city was apparently designed to act as a diversion as a mass escape was made .
20 Yet the law imposed prescriptions apparently designed to mark off the Jews from other nations .
21 ‘ Muni was and is sociologically-minded , ’ said the press-book , and ‘ he had long wished to bring to the American people the picture of these primitive people who worked hard and who died that the wheels of industry might not be stilled ’ .
22 Although policies obviously varied according to the occupational structure and size of the company ( Hannah 1986 ) , large organizations were considered more likely to instigate rigid retirement policies than were small ones ( Acton Society Trust 1960 ) .
23 Cobras are constantly depicted entwined in a double helix .
24 Brenda had not long come to live in the country .
25 This second bacterial pattern was only seen associated with a degenerated epithelium presenting with few apical mucoid granules , fewer microvilli , cytoplasmic vacuolisations , and absence of mucus layer , and it was found in all the ultrastructural sections in which the second or third pattern of contact with gastric epithelium was present ( sections from biopsy specimens of 31 patients ) .
26 There are three reasons for this : first , women dress differently from ‘ 20 men all wearing pinstripe suits ’ , making them more memorable ; second , they offload their emotions over redundancy much more quickly , making them better prepared to look for a new position ; and third , because of the so-called ‘ glass ceiling ’ , those women who do make it to the top are ‘ slightly better ’ than their male competitors .
27 But that that contradicted today , when he 's not only threatened to intervene against the Republics that have been attacking their minorities but erm , since he 's become Russian president he 's constantly threatened and the area of and you know denied it sort of national .
28 But he was not a poor man and had been naturally and sensibly alarmed to hear of the 50,000 — disgruntled people who had attended the " martyr's ' funeral in Sheffield , which had given the Chartists something to build on .
29 A non-invasive diagnostic method of internal examination of patients had been a long felt want in the medical profession .
30 Will the Minister ensure that when the Housing Executive engages in new build it will incorporate in every scheme a large number of two-bedroomed bungalows and a number of houses especially built to cater for the needs of the disabled ?
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